David Askew, Director of Evidence, tells us about Natural England’s new Science, Evidence and Evaluation Strategy .
At Natural England we provide trusted evidence and expertise on the natural environment, based on robust science.
Today I am thrilled that we are launching our new Science, Evidence and Evaluation Strategy which will run for the next five years until 2025.
What is the Strategy, and what does it mean for the way we work?
We were asked last year, by our Board, to produce a strategy for our use of science, evidence and evaluation. This will drive a profound difference in the way we work, by ensuring for instance that everything we do is evaluated and that we will learn the best way to deliver our ambitions for the environment from the evidence of what works.
We are investing in developing our expertise and will be continually improving the evidence base we depend on, including through new technology such as remote sensing and eDNA analysis.
We will continue investing in collaborations and partnerships, we will use pilot projects to increase our evidence base, and we will test novel and innovative approaches to continue to help improve the environment for generations to come.
1 comment
Comment by Stephen posted on
The link address for the publication needs correcting