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Our Natural Health Service

Image shows Natural England’s Chief Operating Officer, Oliver Harmar, Senior Occupational Health Therapist, Tracy Metcalf and the Care Trust’s Chief Executive, Therese Patten. They stand together on a NHS site, all hold gardening tools, ready to get to work.

By Esther Smith, Senior Adviser, Health and Environment, Yorkshire and North Lincolnshire Area Team The links between health and nature have arguably never been clearer. The healing power of nature is taking centre stage for people’s health and nature’s recovery …

Enhancing Access to Green & Blue Spaces for People with Visual Impairment

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Amar Latif, President of the Ramblers and blind adventurer is walking in the woods with a colleague. Amar is wearing a brown overcoat and is carrying a white cane. He is smiling broadly. His colleague is wearing a blue rain jacket and has his hands in his jean pockets. He is also smiling. The trees in the woods don’t have any leaves and it appears to be a chilly day.

Natural England's mission is 'Building partnerships for Nature recovery,' and we are passionate about building partnerships that make outdoor recreation activities available to everyone. Our commitment to the Equality Act 2010 underscores our dedication to inclusivity in all our endeavours. …