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BNG lessons learned with Local Planning Authorities

Image shows a few newly built houses at a development site in Thakeham. A pond is at the forefront of the image with green grassy land around it and lots of vegetation, allowing for nature to thrive. A beautiful clear blue sky hangs overhead.

By Ruth Andreyeva, Director of Land, Water and Seas strategy Biodiversity net gain (BNG) became mandatory in England earlier in 2024, after many years of collaboration across industry and the public sector. We celebrate this milestone wholeheartedly, but we’re not …

A new interactive website for our National Character Area profiles

NCA 36: Southern Pennines – Stoodley Pike

By Sally Marshall, Principal Landscape Adviser, Natural England Today (14 May 2024) we are excited to be launching a new interactive website for England’s National Character Areas (NCAs). This latest chapter in the long history of NCAs makes the valued …

Tools and information to support the delivery of nutrient mitigation published

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An example of riparian buffer strips on a watercourse at Thorne Moors, Humberhead Peatlands National Nature Reserve, South Yorkshire

We are pleased to share a couple of products published to support the delivery of nutrient mitigation schemes across the country. These include our improved Nutrient Neutrality Budget Calculators and a page of technical Information on Nature-Based Solutions as Nutrient …

Natural England welcomes Government's commitment to Nutrient Mitigation

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A river flowing through the countryside

The Government has reaffirmed its commitment to enabling sustainable development by investing in schemes to reduce nutrient pollution in England’s rivers and estuaries. Read more on GOV.UK. Natural England welcomes the announcement which provides the certainty needed for all providers …

New area added to licensing scheme to protect great crested newts and promote sustainable development

One of the restored ponds in Hertfordshire

Natural England has launched a new licensing scheme in Hertfordshire to help conserve local populations of great crested newts, while promoting sustainable development. Since Natural England launched District Level Licensing (DLL) in 2019, the scheme has expanded to cover 21 …

Developers share experiences of successfully delivering biodiversity net gain

View of pond at Bolton Housing Scheme

How are homebuilders delivering biodiversity net gain while also delivering the homes people need? In this blog, Helen Nyul, Group Head of Biodiversity at Barratt Developments, Neil Beamsley, Group Head of Biodiversity at Bellway Homes and Louise Clarke, Group Head …

Homes England plays an active role in delivering biodiversity net gain

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An Aerial view of a development site in progress. Lots of new houses are being built amongst greenery

In this blog, we explore what biodiversity net gain means to some of our stakeholders and how they overcome issues they encounter. Lisa Palframan – Senior Technical Manager with Homes England (HE) explains how HE are building experience in delivering …

Preparing the market for statutory biodiversity credits

A view overlooking Iford Biodiversity Project, one of the statutory biodiversity credit pilots

Biodiversity net gain (BNG) is a government strategy to develop land and contribute to the recovery of nature. As set out in part six of the Environment Act 2021, it is a way of making sure the habitat for wildlife …

Homes around the heathland: Giving people and wildlife the best place to live

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By Allison Potts, Thames Solent Area Manager Nestled amongst the gorse and scrub of the Thames Basin Heath’s Special Protection Area lie some of the most important habitats for ground-nesting birds in the world. The nightjar, Dartford warbler and woodlark …