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Green Infrastructure: delivering quality of life and environmental benefits for communities

Image shows a lush green canal/waterway running through the centre of a neighbourhood. Red bricked houses stand either side of the new development estate. Lots of trees and bushes grow beside it.

David Drake, Director, People & Nature at Natural England In January 2023, Natural England launched the Green Infrastructure (GI) Framework to support the creation of good quality Green Infrastructure which maximises benefits for people and nature. GI helps local authorities, …

BNG lessons learned with Local Planning Authorities

Image shows a few newly built houses at a development site in Thakeham. A pond is at the forefront of the image with green grassy land around it and lots of vegetation, allowing for nature to thrive. A beautiful clear blue sky hangs overhead.

By Ruth Andreyeva, Director of Land, Water and Seas strategy Biodiversity net gain (BNG) became mandatory in England earlier in 2024, after many years of collaboration across industry and the public sector. We celebrate this milestone wholeheartedly, but we’re not …