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How Natural England is working to achieve the government's nature targets

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As the government’s statutory advisor on nature conservation, Natural England is charged by the government to achieve its ambitious targets.  We do this through advice to businesses, delivery projects with partners, grant funding and by regulation backed by UK legislation. …

Wendling Beck: Nature Recovery on a Landscape Scale

In the heart of Norfolk farming country, Natural England has been partnering with an ambitious project to transform a large area of agricultural land into a haven for wildlife. The scheme aims to demonstrate that growing food is fully compatible …

Farmers key to success of magical new SSSI

Photo shows Tony Juniper, Chair of Natural England, stood within a green open field. He wears a white checked shirt and stands with his hands on hips. There are trees in the distance.

Blog by Tony Juniper CBE, Chair The landscape that runs west from St Ives in Cornwall down toward St Just close to Lands End was until recently one of the most special places in England to remain unprotected. The complex …

Blueprints for nature’s recovery: all systems go! 

An open grassy meadow, with yellow wildflowers growing. Trees stand on the horizon, and some branches hang overhead.

Last December in Montreal world leaders agreed to a new Global Biodiversity Framework, signing up to halt and reverse biodiversity loss by 2030 and to protect 30% of land and oceans by the same date. A month later the UK …

Celebrating World Ocean Day 2023: Building Partnerships for Planet Ocean

World Ocean Day illustration banner

World Ocean Day is an annual event celebrated on 08 June that not only serves as a day of observance but also fosters collaboration and encourages year-round conservation action. This global celebration unites individuals and organisations from around the world, …

Restoring Britain’s pine martens: a position from Natural England, NatureScot and Natural Resources Wales

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John Holmes, Strategy Director, Natural England  I confess I have never seen a pine marten, but I hope to one day. For now though, knowing they are out there, and that they are spreading gives me real hope for nature …

Assessing the health of the River Wye and its catchment

A picture containing grass, cloud, outdoor sky

By Emma Johnson, Area Manager - West Midlands Team The Wye Valley is an iconic landscape, hugely important for biodiversity due to the wide range of rare river wildlife, loved by people and important for farming. It’s because it’s so …

Join us in celebrating England’s most important places for nature – National Nature Reserves

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By Jamie Neale, NNR Week Coordinator, Natural England 2023 is a pioneering year for England’s most important places for nature, National Nature Reserves (NNRs). Between May 20th and May 29th, the very first National Nature Reserves Week (NNR Week) will …

Children & Nature Programme: the importance of integrating time spent in nature at school

Fathe with two children looking at nature

Across government, we share an aspiration to create healthy, happy societies. One mechanism for achieving this is by improving the connection people have with nature, which provides better mental and physical health. For children, the effects are more profound, with …

The death of Free, a Natural England tagged hen harrier

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Image of 'Natural England' logo.

Stephanie Bird-Halton, Director, National Delivery, Natural England Hen harriers are currently extremely rare in England due to illegal persecution and nest disturbance, primarily in areas associated with grouse shooting. Natural England satellite-tracks hen harriers in order to investigate patterns of …