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Three churrs for the heathland bird survey

Dartford warbler. Credit: Philip Ray

By Alison Giacomelli, Senior Specialist – Ornithology, Natural England Heathlands are home to the eerie sound of churring Nightjars, sweet melody of singing Woodlarks and the rattling song of Dartford Warblers. This year teams of volunteers and fieldworkers will be …

Guest blog: Showcasing successful onsite Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) project management

A large pond seen through trees and wildflowers with new homes in the background: Ponds can play a key role in biodiversity net gain

In the run up to the first anniversary (12 February) of the introduction of BNG as a mandatory approach to development, making BNG a statutory requirement in all (non-exempt) Town and Country Planning Act applications we invited two open space …

Green Infrastructure: the catalyst for Urban Greening 

It’s two years since Natural England launched the Green Infrastructure (GI) Framework to support the creation of good quality Green Infrastructure. It’s well documented that we need to build a more sustainable future, and at the forefront of this movement …

'LUF-t off' for a more strategic approach to growth and Nature

Cator North Park, Kidbrooke Village, London, with integrated BNG, including wetland and wildflowers

By Tony Juniper CBE, Chair of Natural England As the country seeks long-term solutions to our most pressing problems – how to build much-needed homes and infrastructure, safeguard food production and halt and reverse the decline of Nature – we …

Saving species in Somerset; the work of the Somerset, Coast Levels and Moors Nature Recovery Project

By Simon Phelps – Natural England Over the past three years, the Somerset Coast, Levels and Moors Nature Recovery Project has been working hard to save some of our most threatened wetland species. I’m fortunate to not only be leading …

Natural England welcomes £22.1bn investment in Water Industry National Environment Programme

A weir that is to be removed within Dendles Wood NNR, part of the Dartmoor SAC, under the WINEP

The Environment Agency has published the Water Industry National Environment Programme (WINEP), detailing more than 20,000 actions that England’s 19 water companies must complete from now until 2030 to meet their environmental obligations.  Developed with guidance from the Environment Agency …

Partnership sees experimental 'Disco Scallop' method develop into full-scale, commercial low-impact fishery

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Scallops in a crab pot out of water showing the LED light in the pot

By Mark Duffy, Marine Principal Adviser, Natural England Over the past three years Natural England has supported and invested in the “Potting for Scallops” initiative to help sustainable fishing of the mollusc and protect seabeds. The technique in the initiative …

Forests beneath the waves: celebrating our magnificent kelp 

Marina Rees, Marine Higher Officer at Natural England When I joined the Thames Solent team as a marine lead adviser, I jumped at the opportunity to work on a project which delved into the world of kelp. I have long …

Maximising the miracle and minimising the disaster – putting Nature at the heart of food security

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Biodiversity, Climate change, Farming, Natural Capital, Natural England, Nature Recovery
A view of fields with arable crops, with established hedgerows and woodland in the distance

I was invited to speak at a historic event this week – the first major joint gathering of attendees at the two Oxford farming conferences: the Oxford Farming Conference and the Oxford Real Farming Conference. After more than a decade …