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Countryside Stewardship Higher Tier: Supporting farmers and land managers to deliver nature friendly farming

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Farming, Natural England
A landscape view with flowers in the foreground, a group of cows in the middle distance, and a hill with a wooded area in the distance.

By Peter Craven, Head of Agriculture  At Natural England, we know that farming and nature can thrive together, and Countryside Stewardship Higher Tier (CSHT) is here to help make that happen. Whether you're already working towards a more sustainable farm or …

Details released of new Countryside Stewardship Higher Tier – Natural England to work with invited farmers to develop applications

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Biodiversity, Farming, Natural England, Nature, wildlife and farming
A tractor and combine harvester in a field with a wildflower border buffer strip and established wooded hedgerows to the left

By Peter Craven, Head of Agriculture  Defra has today announced the new Countryside Stewardship Higher Tier (CSHT) offer, one of three Environmental Land Management (ELM) schemes, to help incentivise farmers to deliver improvements for nature and support sustainable food production.  …

COP 16 reflections: Making the connection between global and local

Tony Juniper looks out over a balcony at the green tree canopy and wildlife beyond through his binoculars

Blog by Tony Juniper CBE, Chair of Natural England The extreme urgency of the climate and Nature emergency was brought home to us last week by the devastating flooding that struck Valencia, which provided a stark backdrop to the discussions …

With a lot of help from our friends: assembling an England Peat Map

Posted by: and , Posted on: - Categories: Biodiversity, Mapping, Natural England, Nature Recovery, Peat, Species recovery

Contributors: Andrew Webb, Principal advisor, England Peat Map. Tom Hunt, Data engagement lead, England Peat Map. Sarah Parrott, Engagement and impact lead advisor, NCEA. Elizabeth Mitchell, Engagement and impact senior advisor, NCEA   How do you make a map of something that’s largely underground, …