By Peter Craven, Head of Agriculture At Natural England, we know that farming and nature can thrive together, and Countryside Stewardship Higher Tier (CSHT) is here to help make that happen. Whether you're already working towards a more sustainable farm or …
Ruth Keeley, Wye Valley Nature Recovery Project Senior Officer Back in 2022, Natural England and Defra announced five unique Nature Recovery Projects (NRP) across the Peak District, West Midlands, Cambridgeshire, Norfolk and Somerset. Since then, a further seven projects have …
I was invited to speak at a historic event this week – the first major joint gathering of attendees at the two Oxford farming conferences: the Oxford Farming Conference and the Oxford Real Farming Conference. After more than a decade …
By Peter Craven, Head of Agriculture Defra has today announced the new Countryside Stewardship Higher Tier (CSHT) offer, one of three Environmental Land Management (ELM) schemes, to help incentivise farmers to deliver improvements for nature and support sustainable food production. …
By Julian Donald – Natural England Senior Officer for West Penwith Moors and Downs The prosperity and wellbeing of the people of Cornwall relies on a healthy natural environment with farming, fishing and tourism driving the local economy. This blog …
In celebration of World Science Day (10th November), we’re taking a look at the surprising ways Natural England uses technology in its day-to-day operations. In Norfolk & Suffolk, a number of projects are using innovative technology to improve efficiency and …
By Brad Tooze, Director for Greener Farming and Fisheries People might be less familiar with how our projects and partnerships help improve flood resilience. In this National Flood Action Week (14-20 October), we wanted to outline some of our partnership …
Current government policy is to enable culling or vaccination of badgers to control bovine Tuberculosis (bTB). The Minister of State for Food Security and Rural Affairs has today (30 August) announced a refresh of the strategy for control of bovine …
By Sally Marshall, Principal Landscape Adviser, Natural England Today (14 May 2024) we are excited to be launching a new interactive website for England’s National Character Areas (NCAs). This latest chapter in the long history of NCAs makes the valued …
By Geoff Sansome, Head of Agriculture for Natural England Returning home from this week’s NFU Conference I am reflecting on how it always represents a significant moment for farming in England and Wales. Even more significant this year for two …
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