The Environment Act 2021 sets out the Government’s aim to put nature on the road to recovery for future generations. It has given us some of the tools needed to deliver for our environment, from cleaning up the country’s air, …
The UK Government’s ambition to increase tree and woodland cover in England from 14 to 17%, by more than trebling annual planting rates by 2050, represents a major shift in land use policy. As well as enhancing carbon sequestration, new …
Today we are looking at media coverage of Natural England’s project to rescue curlew eggs from airfields in the East of England.
During recent years there has been a very important shift in how we approach the task of looking after the natural world in England. Whereas once it was the idea of conservation that shaped ideas and actions, today the notion …
By Alexandra Kilcoyne, Amy Woodget, Anne Stefaniak, Miles Clement, Chris Moore, Sophie Potter and Becky Trippier A new map that shows the extent and distribution of habitats in England has been launched on 5 April 2022. This probability map, which …
Dr Tim Hill, Chief Scientist at Natural England, tells us about the publication of Natural England’s fourth Chief Scientist Report. Our mission within the Chief Scientist Directorate at Natural England, is to ‘…develop evidence and provide scientific advice to drive …
Mike Morecroft Principal Specialist, Climate Change at Natural England. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is the United Nations body responsible for assessing the scientific evidence on climate change. Every 7-8 years it produces comprehensive ‘Assessment Reports’, which have been …
This is one of a series of blogs intended to share updates on our Hen Harrier recovery work. The last blog was on Hen harrier monitoring, and the actions taken when a tagged bird is lost, while this one covers …
Gender equality is integral to achieving thriving nature for people and planet and addressing the twin crisis of biodiversity loss and climate change, yet fewer than 30% of the worlds scientific researchers are women (UNESCO Science Report). Despite the efforts …
Today we have published our Climate Change Risk Assessment and Adaptation Plan. The plan has been produced, along with many other organisations, to report under the third round of the Adaptation Reporting Power of the Climate Change Act 2008. As …