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Natural England

International use of England's biodiversity metric having global impact

An aerial view of the city of Uppsala in Sweden, where the Natural England biodiversity metric has been used

By Nick White, Principal Adviser on Biodiversity Net Gain, and Steve Panks, Principal Specialist Biodiversity Net Gain and Biodiversity Metrics, at Natural England, explore the global significance of the biodiversity metric and its role in nature recovery across the world.  …

To the ReSCUE: Understanding flight heights for seabird conservation and offshore wind expansion

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Climate change, Development, Monitoring, Seabirds, Wildlife
Bird target posts set-up either side of the runway at Predannack airfield

By Eddie Cole, ReSCUE Project Manager; Andrew Harwood, Senior Marine Ornithologist and ReSCUE Technical Lead; Lucy Hawken, Project Support Officer Reducing Seabird Collisions Using Evidence (ReSCUE) is a multi-year, multi-partner project led by Natural England, funded through The Crown Estate’s …

Biodiversity Net Gain: delivering benefits for health

A pond that has been installed at the Yorkshire Ambulance Service site in York. (Image courtesy of Alexis Percival)

This Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) guest blog explores the essential role of nature in promoting overall health. Experts highlight its benefits for mental and physical well-being. They also discuss the broader benefits of integrating BNG into project planning from the …

Industry experts share experiences of Biodiversity Net Gain on small sites

A scrubland site where the new garages will be built, which will also provide the necessary on-site BNG. (Credit: KADS Design Services Ltd) 

In this Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) guest blog industry experts sharing examples of BNG on small sites. They are:  Our guests discuss how they use the Small Sites Metric (SSM) calculation tool. It applies only to ‘small sites’ as defined …

Natural England’s role in licensing to control badgers to prevent the spread of bovine Tuberculosis

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Farming, Licensing, Natural England, Science and evidence, Wildlife, wildlife and farming

Current government policy is to enable culling or vaccination of badgers to control bovine Tuberculosis (bTB). The Minister of State for Food Security and Rural Affairs has today (30 August) announced a refresh of the strategy for control of bovine …

Reflecting on the first six months of BNG

A development at Woodhurst Park, Bracknell, Berkshire, that has incorporated BNG on-site. (Image courtesy of Berkeley Group)

By Chris Kaighin – Deputy Director, Biodiversity Net Gain Services It has been six months since the world-leading initiative Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) became mandatory for most planning applications under the Town and Country Planning Act. BNG makes sure development …

A simpler, clearer and faster way to decide when to consult Natural England on planning applications that might affect a SSSI

An aerial view of part of Chesil and the Fleet SSSI, which is designated for its coastal lagoon seagrass beds and vegetated shingle saltmarsh

By Sarah Middlehurst, Senior Officer, Natural England Today sees the launch of a new tool that will help local planning authorities (LPAs) decide when to consult Natural England on planning applications that might impact a SSSI. The new and improved …

Our Natural Health Service

Image shows Natural England’s Chief Operating Officer, Oliver Harmar, Senior Occupational Health Therapist, Tracy Metcalf and the Care Trust’s Chief Executive, Therese Patten. They stand together on a NHS site, all hold gardening tools, ready to get to work.

By Esther Smith, Senior Adviser, Health and Environment, Yorkshire and North Lincolnshire Area Team The links between health and nature have arguably never been clearer. The healing power of nature is taking centre stage for people’s health and nature’s recovery …

Providing guidance to protect habitats and threatened native species

A Barbastelle bat

By James Marshall, Deputy Director for Norfolk and Suffolk As the government’s advisers on the natural environment, Natural England’s role is to ensure our environment is conserved, enhanced and managed for the benefit of people and wildlife. Recent media reports …