AI4Peat Project team members: Anne Williams, Michelle Johnson, Samuel Richardson, Nick Tomline, Martha Tabor, Phil Shea. Restoring Peatlands Peatlands are among the UK's most valuable ecosystems, playing a crucial role in carbon storage, water regulation, and biodiversity. However, many peatland …
By Kevin Clements, West Midlands Area Delivery Team The project The Jack Snipe is probably our most elusive and least understood bird. But a Natural England project aims to change that. It’s a small and secretive bird which, arguably, a …
By Ruth Lamont, Principal Officer in Research Ethics, Knowledge into Practice, Chief Scientist’s Directorate, Natural England Started in 2022, the RENEW project, led by the University of Exeter and funded by the Natural Environment Research Council, is a five-year programme …
Natural England has today published the outcome of its review into the licensing of ‘wild take’, a practice that involves taking young birds of prey from the wild for use in falconry and aviculture. Defra ministers have endorsed Natural England’s …
By Gabriella Fasoli and Nick Tomline (AI specialists), Emma Milner (marine mammal specialist) and Elizabeth Mitchell (engagement), all on the marine Natural Capital and Ecosystem Assessment (mNCEA) programme Documenting Norfolk's biggest beach party On a windy day in December, something …
By Alison Giacomelli, Senior Specialist – Ornithology, Natural England Heathlands are home to the eerie sound of churring Nightjars, sweet melody of singing Woodlarks and the rattling song of Dartford Warblers. This year teams of volunteers and fieldworkers will be …
What is MAGIC? The ‘Multi-Agency Geographic Information for the Countryside’ (MAGIC) service has been around since 2002. The MAGIC website provides geographic information about the natural environment from across government. The information covers rural, urban, coastal and marine environments across …
By Tamara Rowson, Natural England Offshore Renewables Industry Specialist Since 11 November delegates from across the world have been in attendance at COP29 in Baku, Azerbaijan, focusing on “delivering deep, rapid, and sustained emission reductions now to keep temperatures under …
By Samantha Parker and Emma Milner, Natural England marine mammal senior specialists Why are seal population numbers changing so fast along our coasts? How are porpoise feeding patterns changing as our seas become increasingly crowded? And how does the health …
The State of Natural Capital Report for England 2024 : Risks to nature and why it matters, a new report from Natural England, was published on 9 October 2024. The economy and society are intimately dependent on the health of the …
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