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Welcoming the Government response to the Independent Review of Protected Site Management on Dartmoor

A rock formation on Dartmoor

Since publication of the Independent Review, Natural England has been working hard to rebuild trust and understanding with Dartmoor farmers. We have actively listened to commoners, land managers and partners, and we are seeing signs of improved relations and a …

Working together to meet government targets for tree planting in England

Posted by: and , Posted on: - Categories: Forestry Commission, Natural England, Tree Planting
Site visit by Forestry Commission and Natural England, Cranborne Estate

Ian Tubby, Head of Policy and Advice at the Forestry Commission, and Adrian Jowitt, Principal Adviser Woodland Policy at Natural England reflect on the recent CEO visit at Cranborne Estate, where Marian Spain and Richard Stanford discussed our shared vision …

Biodiversity Net Gain: guest insights on planning BNG for small sites

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Biodiversity Net Gain, Biodiversity Net Gain – Hints and Tips
Flowers and grasses at the Met Office Data Centre, Exeter.

Welcome to our Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) guest blog, featuring industry experts sharing their top tips. They are: Julia Baker, Technical Director, Nature Services, Mott MacDonald Isabelle Carter, Regional Director and Landscape Architect, Stride Treglown Emma Toovey, Chief Ecology Officer, …

England Ecosystem Survey: introducing England’s largest ever field survey

Sometimes the sun even shines while we’re out surveying! Surveyors out in the Lake District

By Isabel Sloman, Manager, and Elizabeth Mitchell, Senior Advisor for Engagement and Impact, Natural Capital and Ecosystem Assessment programme The England Ecosystem Survey (EES), the largest field survey ever undertaken in the UK, is now well underway. Working at thousands …

Tools and information to support the delivery of nutrient mitigation published

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Nature-based solutions, Nutrient Neutrality
An example of riparian buffer strips on a watercourse at Thorne Moors, Humberhead Peatlands National Nature Reserve, South Yorkshire

We are pleased to share a couple of products published to support the delivery of nutrient mitigation schemes across the country. These include our improved Nutrient Neutrality Budget Calculators and a page of technical Information on Nature-Based Solutions as Nutrient …

The science of Natural England: now and then

Image shows two geological mounds of tall craggy rocks standing on the edge of a grassy cliff. The sea can be seen in the distance. The area is Axmouth To Lyme Regis Under Cliffs Site of Special Scientific Interest

By Dr Tim Hill, Chief Scientist at Natural England Science, evidence and evaluation sit at the heart of Natural England. Our teams work across a range of ecological, earth, economic and social sciences. With a strong focus on collaboration with …

Building Partnerships for Nature’s Recovery in the North

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Biodiversity, Climate change, Natural England, Nature Recovery Network
Image shows David Renwick – Regional Director, North for Natural England stood at the front of a conference hall, speaking at a podium. There are empty yellow chairs to his left and a large projector screen displaying a presentation above him.

By David Renwick, Regional Director for the North at Natural England Last week saw a momentous week for nature across the north with the second annual Nature North conference in Newcastle and the Convention of the North in Leeds. As …

Natural England wildlife licensing statistics for 2023

A great crested newt on a mossy piece of tree debris

Many wild animals and plants are protected by legislation such as the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 and the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2017. As nature conservation adviser and regulator, one of Natural England’s roles is to licence …

Securing off-site Biodiversity Net Gain: Expert legal perspectives

Sun setting over a biodiverse field, with trees in the background and flora in the foreground

In our third Natural England instructional Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) guest blog, legal professionals offer helpful insights into securing off-site Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG). Our guest bloggers are: Penny Simpson, Partner at Freeths Grace Pinault, Associate at Dentons David Short, …

Joining up nature recovery and health priorities

A young boy, wearing a red mac and yellow trousers climbs over a fallen tree within a lush forest

By Ruth Lamont, Principal Adviser in Research Ethics & Dave Bell, Principal Adviser in Health, Wellbeing and the Environment, at Natural England We know that nature, human health and well-being are intrinsically linked, and this week, Natural England has released …