In celebration of the United Nations (UN) International Day for Biological Diversity we are looking at Natural England’s ongoing work to conserve and protect England’s natural environment, biodiversity and landscapes, and how these contribute to social health and economic well-being. …
David Lowe,Team Leader, Ecology, Historic Environment & Landscape at Warwickshire County Council, writes a guest blog about how the council is improving biodiversity.
...discovering these beautiful plants - as well as the bees, butterflies and birds that areas managed for arable plants support. The management advice and guidance in the app offers practical...
In the wilderness of Surrey, I went on a tiger hunt. A hunt for tiger beetles, that is. I work for Natural England as a warden on the Thames Basin Heaths Special Protection Area. The heath tiger beetle should be widespread on my patch, but is sadly in massive decline.
...mile stretch of cliff line on the north of the Isle of Sheppey in Kent. It’s protected as a geological SSSI because of the soft rocks the cliffs are made...
...whose predatory habits can cause controversy. He began studying the buzzard on Dartmoor back in the 1950s when it was very much less common and widespread than it is today....