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Holme Fen National Nature Reserve peatland restoration project

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By Catherine Weightman, Natural England’s Senior Project Manager for Peatland Restoration in the Fens - West Anglia Team   I’ve been working for Natural England and its predecessors for more than twenty years. I’m currently working on peatland restoration in the …

A new interactive website for our National Character Area profiles

NCA 36: Southern Pennines – Stoodley Pike

By Sally Marshall, Principal Landscape Adviser, Natural England Today (14 May 2024) we are excited to be launching a new interactive website for England’s National Character Areas (NCAs). This latest chapter in the long history of NCAs makes the valued …

Working together to meet government targets for tree planting in England

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Site visit by Forestry Commission and Natural England, Cranborne Estate

Ian Tubby, Head of Policy and Advice at the Forestry Commission, and Adrian Jowitt, Principal Adviser Woodland Policy at Natural England reflect on the recent CEO visit at Cranborne Estate, where Marian Spain and Richard Stanford discussed our shared vision …

The pathway to seabird recovery in England

Posted by: and , Posted on: - Categories: Biodiversity, Marine environment, Natural England, Seabirds, Wildlife
Chesil Beach and The Fleet SPA. Little tern adult at nest with two chicks.

Dr Alex Banks – Principal Specialist, Ornithology & Nick Williams – Principal Adviser, Marine Strategy England is a special place for seabirds. Our cliffs, beaches, marshes and offshore islands provide nest sites for around 20 species, including charismatic and iconic …

King’s Lincolnshire coast visit to feature in Boxing Day documentary

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King Charles and Tony Juniper, Lincolnshire Coronation Coast National Nature Reserve

In summer 2023, King Charles III visited a new Natural England National Nature Reserve (NNR) on the Greater Lincolnshire Coast to film for a BBC documentary to be broadcast on Boxing Day. The Lincolnshire Coronation Coast NNR was officially declared …

Species Recovery Programme Capital Grant Scheme awards

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Corn bunting

By Karen Shelley-Jones, Species Recovery Programme Manager and James Phillips, Principal Adviser for Species Recovery and Species Re-introductions England’s species are amazing. They can charm, intrigue, amaze, inspire and frighten us. They spark our interest and concern. They are also …

Farmers lead the way toward sustainable food production in East Kent

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As a farm conservation adviser for Natural England, I’ve been working closely with farmers across Kent for 25 years to support them to incorporate wildlife friendly farming practices across 25,000 hectares of farmed landscape.
By building long term, collaborative relationships with farmers on the ground and helping them enter environmental schemes such as Countryside Stewardship, farmers are driving significant changes on both a farm and landscape scale to increase food production while simultaneously protecting and enhancing the environment

A promising first year of the hen harrier conservation breeding programme and reintroduction

Close up shot of a female hen harrier bird

 A recap   In Autumn of 2022, ten captive  hen harriers were transported to the UK from a rescue centre  in France for Natural England’s conservation breeding programme (Hen harrier Reintroduction NE Blog). This forms an important step in the Southern …