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Green Infrastructure: delivering quality of life and environmental benefits for communities

Image shows a lush green canal/waterway running through the centre of a neighbourhood. Red bricked houses stand either side of the new development estate. Lots of trees and bushes grow beside it.

David Drake, Director, People & Nature at Natural England In January 2023, Natural England launched the Green Infrastructure (GI) Framework to support the creation of good quality Green Infrastructure which maximises benefits for people and nature. GI helps local authorities, …

The Magic of Heathland Summers: Nightjars, Nature Recovery, and the Future of our Landscapes

Image shows a nightjar bird, crouching low upon a wooden log. There are lots of grasses and other brown plant life behind it.

Victoria Hawkins, Heathland Connections Nature Recovery Project Senior Advisor, Natural England. Heathland Connections is an inspiring Nature Recovery Project and I feel fortunate to spend the best part of my day working on it. In this post, I want to …

Building Partnerships for Nature’s Recovery in the North

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Biodiversity, Climate change, Natural England, Nature Recovery Network
Image shows David Renwick – Regional Director, North for Natural England stood at the front of a conference hall, speaking at a podium. There are empty yellow chairs to his left and a large projector screen displaying a presentation above him.

By David Renwick, Regional Director for the North at Natural England Last week saw a momentous week for nature across the north with the second annual Nature North conference in Newcastle and the Convention of the North in Leeds. As …

Wetland restoration: for people and planet

Image shows a common redshank bird standing within a grassy patch with white native flowers growing around it.

By Craig Ralston, Reserve Manager, Natural England World Wetlands Day, an annual awareness day, marks the date of the adoption of the Convention on Wetlands on 2 February 1971. The adoption took place in the Iranian city of Ramsar, on …

Environmental Improvement Plan one year on: Driving Nature recovery on land and sea

Puffin, atlantic puffin, Scientific name: Fratercula arctica with a beak full of sand eels. Perched on a lichen covered rock. Blue sky background. Facing left. Horizontal

By Alan Law, Deputy Chief Executive, Natural England This time last year, Defra’s Secretary of State launched the Environmental Improvement Plan to an audience of nature conservation bodies and the media in the nature rich setting of Camley Street Natural …

30 by 30: a boost for nature recovery

Image shows a large tree standing within a lush green forest.

Written by James Markwick Principal Adviser, Biodiversity Policy  After a year of extreme weather events in which many climate records were broken, world leaders met in Dubai to discuss tackling climate change at COP28, with the hope of keeping alive …

Natural England to publish updated nutrient budget calculators, and Tees Round 4 rescheduled

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Biodiversity, Development, Natural England, Nature Recovery Network, Nutrient Neutrality
Image shows a view of the Tees, looking out across the water. There is a grassy bank in the foreground, and buildings and machinery in the distance.

Image: Natural England The government passed the Levelling-Up and Regeneration Bill into law on 26th October 2023, making it the Levelling-Up and Regeneration Act. This creates a legal requirement for certain wastewater treatment works designated by the Defra Secretary of …

Farming for Nature Recovery

Two Marden Farmers harvesting yellow rattle seed amongst the tall grasses. There are trees in the background.

Across the country, Natural England is working closely with farmers and landowners to deliver nature recovery at a landscape-scale - restoring and enhancing England’s wildlife-rich places. A fine example of this is within our Sussex and Kent team, where we …

Wendling Beck: Nature Recovery on a Landscape Scale

In the heart of Norfolk farming country, Natural England has been partnering with an ambitious project to transform a large area of agricultural land into a haven for wildlife. The scheme aims to demonstrate that growing food is fully compatible …

Blueprints for nature’s recovery: all systems go! 

An open grassy meadow, with yellow wildflowers growing. Trees stand on the horizon, and some branches hang overhead.

Last December in Montreal world leaders agreed to a new Global Biodiversity Framework, signing up to halt and reverse biodiversity loss by 2030 and to protect 30% of land and oceans by the same date. A month later the UK …