What is MAGIC? The ‘Multi-Agency Geographic Information for the Countryside’ (MAGIC) service has been around since 2002. The MAGIC website provides geographic information about the natural environment from across government. The information covers rural, urban, coastal and marine environments across …
Professor Sallie Bailey, Chief Scientist at Natural England, tells us about the publication of Natural England’s sixth Chief Scientist Report This Report, the sixth in the series, focusses on the impact our work has and – crucially - how …
By Dr Tim Hill, Chief Scientist at Natural England Science, evidence and evaluation sit at the heart of Natural England. Our teams work across a range of ecological, earth, economic and social sciences. With a strong focus on collaboration with …
By Ruth Lamont, Principal Adviser in Research Ethics & Dave Bell, Principal Adviser in Health, Wellbeing and the Environment, at Natural England We know that nature, human health and well-being are intrinsically linked, and this week, Natural England has released …
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We’re the government’s adviser for the natural environment, helping to protect England’s nature and landscapes for people to enjoy.