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Natural England

Countryside Stewardship Higher Tier: Supporting farmers and land managers to deliver nature friendly farming

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A landscape view with flowers in the foreground, a group of cows in the middle distance, and a hill with a wooded area in the distance.

By Peter Craven, Head of Agriculture  At Natural England, we know that farming and nature can thrive together, and Countryside Stewardship Higher Tier (CSHT) is here to help make that happen. Whether you're already working towards a more sustainable farm or …

Beaver wild release: a milestone for nature recovery in England

Beaver entering the water. Credit: Maria Thompson, Natural England

By Stuart Otway, Principal Officer in Natural England’s Complex Cases Unit and Delphine Pouget, Principal Officer in Natural England’s Species Recovery & Reintroductions Team  After centuries of absence, beavers are beginning to reclaim their rightful place in the English landscape. …

Harnessing Nature-based Solutions to help combat flooding

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Flood Management, Natural England, Nature, Nature Recovery, Nature-based solutions
Two images: on the left is a drone, and on the right is the drone control with data the drone is capturing on a screen

As climate change brings more frequent and severe flooding, innovative solutions are emerging to tackle these challenges. Working with nature, not against it, Natural England is proposing schemes to help tackle flooding in Norfolk and Suffolk.   Projects in our region …

Guest blog: Showcasing successful onsite Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) project management

A large pond seen through trees and wildflowers with new homes in the background: Ponds can play a key role in biodiversity net gain

In the run up to the first anniversary (12 February) of the introduction of BNG as a mandatory approach to development, making BNG a statutory requirement in all (non-exempt) Town and Country Planning Act applications we invited two open space …

'LUF-t off' for a more strategic approach to growth and Nature

Cator North Park, Kidbrooke Village, London, with integrated BNG, including wetland and wildflowers

By Tony Juniper CBE, Chair of Natural England As the country seeks long-term solutions to our most pressing problems – how to build much-needed homes and infrastructure, safeguard food production and halt and reverse the decline of Nature – we …

Partnership sees experimental 'Disco Scallop' method develop into full-scale, commercial low-impact fishery

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Scallops in a crab pot out of water showing the LED light in the pot

By Mark Duffy, Marine Principal Adviser, Natural England Over the past three years Natural England has supported and invested in the “Potting for Scallops” initiative to help sustainable fishing of the mollusc and protect seabeds. The technique in the initiative …

Details released of new Countryside Stewardship Higher Tier – Natural England to work with invited farmers to develop applications

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Biodiversity, Farming, Natural England, Nature, wildlife and farming
A tractor and combine harvester in a field with a wildflower border buffer strip and established wooded hedgerows to the left

By Peter Craven, Head of Agriculture  Defra has today announced the new Countryside Stewardship Higher Tier (CSHT) offer, one of three Environmental Land Management (ELM) schemes, to help incentivise farmers to deliver improvements for nature and support sustainable food production.  …

Offshore wind farms — our role in advising on the right place for low impact on marine and coastal nature

By Tamara Rowson, Natural England Offshore Renewables Industry Specialist Since 11 November delegates from across the world have been in attendance at COP29 in Baku, Azerbaijan, focusing on “delivering deep, rapid, and sustained emission reductions now to keep temperatures under …

Celebrating 30 years of the National Lottery supporting nature recovery projects

Bluebells by the River Rede in Northumberland (Image courtesy of Abi Mansley)

By Adelle Rowe, Natural England Director of External Affairs Today sees the 30th anniversary of the National Lottery and Natural England is reflecting on the transformative role lottery funding has played in projects that protect and restore nature and give …

Inspectors tackling wildlife crime

A tawny owl perched on a tree branch

By Samantha Johnson-Roberts, Natural England Wildlife Inspector Background There aren't many jobs that combine tackling crime with protecting species like dormice and otters, but here at Natural England there are 46 of us and I'm lucky enough to be one …