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Charting a BNG course: Navigating challenges and embracing opportunities in Biodiversity Net Gain implementation

A pond in a field, part of a wetlands creation project in Buckinghamshire

As we set foot on the path to implement one of the important nature recovery policies outlined in the Environment Act, a spectrum of emotions washes over us – from excitement to the daunting task of navigating this new terrain. …

New area added to licensing scheme to protect great crested newts and promote sustainable development

One of the restored ponds in Hertfordshire

Natural England has launched a new licensing scheme in Hertfordshire to help conserve local populations of great crested newts, while promoting sustainable development. Since Natural England launched District Level Licensing (DLL) in 2019, the scheme has expanded to cover 21 …

Natural England to publish updated nutrient budget calculators, and Tees Round 4 rescheduled

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Biodiversity, Development, Natural England, Nature Recovery Network, Nutrient Neutrality
Image shows a view of the Tees, looking out across the water. There is a grassy bank in the foreground, and buildings and machinery in the distance.

Image: Natural England The government passed the Levelling-Up and Regeneration Bill into law on 26th October 2023, making it the Levelling-Up and Regeneration Act. This creates a legal requirement for certain wastewater treatment works designated by the Defra Secretary of …

Green Infrastructure: creating habitable towns and cities fit for the future

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Biodiversity, Climate change, Development, Green Infrastructure, Natural England
Image shows an urban park with lots of trees and greenery surrounding the buildings There is a canal running through the centre of the image, and tall buildings in the background. A blue sky hangs overhead.

  This week is Green Infrastructure week, a celebration of green infrastructure design and best practices. Green infrastructure is a network of natural spaces designed to deliver benefits for people and the planet. The below video details green infrastructure in …

Land managers discuss opportunities created with biodiversity net gain

A stream with grass and trees on the Alscot estate

How are land managers embracing biodiversity net gain (BNG) while working towards their green strategies? In this guest blog, Digby Sowerby, Operations Officer at Environmental Farmers Group (EFG), Chris Avent, Green Estate Manager at Plymouth City Council, and Emma Holman-West, …

Developers share experiences of successfully delivering biodiversity net gain

View of pond at Bolton Housing Scheme

How are homebuilders delivering biodiversity net gain while also delivering the homes people need? In this blog, Helen Nyul, Group Head of Biodiversity at Barratt Developments, Neil Beamsley, Group Head of Biodiversity at Bellway Homes and Louise Clarke, Group Head …

Nutrient mitigation scheme continues to unlock new homes and protect our waterways.

Photo of Seal Sands which is part of the Teesmouth and Cleveland Coast SPA and RAMSAR site

By Mike Burke, Director of Sustainable Development, Natural England. Government confirmed recently that the Nutrient Mitigation Scheme is still open for business. We hope this is welcome news for developers and Local Planning Authorities (LPAs) as it will provide the …

Homes England plays an active role in delivering biodiversity net gain

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An Aerial view of a development site in progress. Lots of new houses are being built amongst greenery

In this blog, we explore what biodiversity net gain means to some of our stakeholders and how they overcome issues they encounter. Lisa Palframan – Senior Technical Manager with Homes England (HE) explains how HE are building experience in delivering …

Preparing the market for statutory biodiversity credits

A view overlooking Iford Biodiversity Project, one of the statutory biodiversity credit pilots

Biodiversity net gain (BNG) is a government strategy to develop land and contribute to the recovery of nature. As set out in part six of the Environment Act 2021, it is a way of making sure the habitat for wildlife …