Natural England
By Bruce Cutts Senior Advisor, Natural England The Countryside Code is a guide to the outdoors. Whether you’re in the countryside, enjoying the coast, our waterways or an urban park, it’s there to help guide all of us through nature. …
“Let’s give children opportunities to fall in love with nature because you protect what you love.” — Andrea Koehle Jones Today is World Children's Day and celebrates the power of children to change the world and to support their rights and participation …
This week is Green Infrastructure week, a celebration of green infrastructure design and best practices. Green infrastructure is a network of natural spaces designed to deliver benefits for people and the planet. The below video details green infrastructure in …
Natural England's mission is 'Building partnerships for Nature recovery,' and we are passionate about building partnerships that make outdoor recreation activities available to everyone. Our commitment to the Equality Act 2010 underscores our dedication to inclusivity in all our endeavours. …
An article in the Telegraph (14 October) picks up on comments made by Natural England chair Tony Juniper on X (formally Twitter) regarding media reports about the role of housebuilding on scrubland. The article suggests Tony is criticising housebuilding policy set out by Labour at its recent party conference. The Telegraph also includes criticism from some quarters that Tony is opposed to housebuilding.
October is Black History Month, and across the Defra Group we are celebrating the twin themes of ‘Eliminating prejudice is everyone’s business’ and ‘Saluting Our Sisters’- honouring the achievements of Black women. Black History Month is a time to celebrate …
Jonathan Larwood, Natural England Principal Geodiversity Adviser, celebrates the second ever International Geodiversity Day and its theme of ‘Geodiversity is for everyone’. International Geodiversity Day is an annual global celebration, supported by UNESCO, of all aspects of geodiversity. This year’s …
In our increasingly fast-paced and urbanised world, the need to reconnect with nature has never been more pressing. Recognising this, Natural England and Libraries Connected have joined forces to launch the Culture Nature project, a ground-breaking initiative aimed at bridging …
By Mike Burke, Director of Sustainable Development, Natural England. Government confirmed recently that the Nutrient Mitigation Scheme is still open for business. We hope this is welcome news for developers and Local Planning Authorities (LPAs) as it will provide the …
As a farm conservation adviser for Natural England, I’ve been working closely with farmers across Kent for 25 years to support them to incorporate wildlife friendly farming practices across 25,000 hectares of farmed landscape.
By building long term, collaborative relationships with farmers on the ground and helping them enter environmental schemes such as Countryside Stewardship, farmers are driving significant changes on both a farm and landscape scale to increase food production while simultaneously protecting and enhancing the environment