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Protected sites and species

The Magic of Heathland Summers: Nightjars, Nature Recovery, and the Future of our Landscapes

Image shows a nightjar bird, crouching low upon a wooden log. There are lots of grasses and other brown plant life behind it.

Victoria Hawkins, Heathland Connections Nature Recovery Project Senior Advisor, Natural England. Heathland Connections is an inspiring Nature Recovery Project and I feel fortunate to spend the best part of my day working on it. In this post, I want to …

A simpler, clearer and faster way to decide when to consult Natural England on planning applications that might affect a SSSI

An aerial view of part of Chesil and the Fleet SSSI, which is designated for its coastal lagoon seagrass beds and vegetated shingle saltmarsh

By Sarah Middlehurst, Senior Officer, Natural England Today sees the launch of a new tool that will help local planning authorities (LPAs) decide when to consult Natural England on planning applications that might impact a SSSI. The new and improved …

National Nature Reserves – for inspiration and celebration!

Golitha Falls National Nature Reserve

By Mike Downey, Principal Officer for National Nature Reserves This week is a really exciting week in the calendar for England’s National Nature Reserves (NNRs). Monday 20th May marked the start of National Nature Reserves Week 2024, an annual celebration …

Providing guidance to protect habitats and threatened native species

A Barbastelle bat

By James Marshall, Deputy Director for Norfolk and Suffolk As the government’s advisers on the natural environment, Natural England’s role is to ensure our environment is conserved, enhanced and managed for the benefit of people and wildlife. Recent media reports …

Welcoming the Government response to the Independent Review of Protected Site Management on Dartmoor

A rock formation on Dartmoor

Since publication of the Independent Review, Natural England has been working hard to rebuild trust and understanding with Dartmoor farmers. We have actively listened to commoners, land managers and partners, and we are seeing signs of improved relations and a …

Natural England wildlife licensing statistics for 2023

A great crested newt on a mossy piece of tree debris

Many wild animals and plants are protected by legislation such as the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 and the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2017. As nature conservation adviser and regulator, one of Natural England’s roles is to licence …

Wetland restoration: for people and planet

Image shows a common redshank bird standing within a grassy patch with white native flowers growing around it.

By Craig Ralston, Reserve Manager, Natural England World Wetlands Day, an annual awareness day, marks the date of the adoption of the Convention on Wetlands on 2 February 1971. The adoption took place in the Iranian city of Ramsar, on …

Environmental Improvement Plan one year on: Driving Nature recovery on land and sea

Puffin, atlantic puffin, Scientific name: Fratercula arctica with a beak full of sand eels. Perched on a lichen covered rock. Blue sky background. Facing left. Horizontal

By Alan Law, Deputy Chief Executive, Natural England This time last year, Defra’s Secretary of State launched the Environmental Improvement Plan to an audience of nature conservation bodies and the media in the nature rich setting of Camley Street Natural …

New area added to licensing scheme to protect great crested newts and promote sustainable development

One of the restored ponds in Hertfordshire

Natural England has launched a new licensing scheme in Hertfordshire to help conserve local populations of great crested newts, while promoting sustainable development. Since Natural England launched District Level Licensing (DLL) in 2019, the scheme has expanded to cover 21 …