Protected sites and species
In a remote valley in the Lake District, Swindale Beck has just been moved. In an exciting project that benefits both people and wildlife, Natural England, the RSPB, the Environment Agency and United Utilities have been working together to put …
Forget Pokémon Go – there’s a new app on the scene that’s helping people hunt for some of our rarest plants. Emily Swan, Natural England’s Arable Plant Lead Adviser, writes about the new smartphone app that’s just been released to help protect plants on the brink of extinction.
In the wilderness of Surrey, I went on a tiger hunt. A hunt for tiger beetles, that is. I work for Natural England as a warden on the Thames Basin Heaths Special Protection Area. The heath tiger beetle should be widespread on my patch, but is sadly in massive decline.
Perception is a powerful thing. At Natural England, we have a responsibility to make sure that our most special wildlife and geological areas – known as Sites of Special Scientific...
For many years now, the great crested newt has had to live with a bad name. Despite it being our most threatened newt, it’s gained a reputation for derailing housing...
Welcome to Natural England’s new blog. This is a place where we’ll share updates on our work and stories from our staff - whether that's work on creating a continuous path around our coast and managing 140 National Nature Reserves, or conducting research on the recovery of the dormouse and monitoring populations of hen harriers.