Martin Moss, senior officer for green infrastructure mapping, and Sarah Parrott, higher officer for engagement and impact If you looked at a map of your local area, could you identify the accessible green spaces? What about the blue ones? If …
Dr. Benjamin Tindal, Senior Specialist – Quaternary Geology & Stratigraphy October brings with it darker evenings, crisp mornings, and time for reflecting on the summer. With the changing of the season, it is easy to forget that there is plenty …
Natural England are delighted to announce the launch of the much anticipated second edition of the Dynamic Dunescapes Sand Dune Manager’s Handbook. This update has been written to support site managers and landowners to improve the condition of sand dunes …
Current government policy is to enable culling or vaccination of badgers to control bovine Tuberculosis (bTB). The Minister of State for Food Security and Rural Affairs has today (30 August) announced a refresh of the strategy for control of bovine …
Prof Sallie Bailey, Chief Scientist I am excited to have started my role as Chief Scientist and recently attended my first meeting of Natural England’s Science Advisory Committee (NESAC). NESAC is a formal committee of Natural England’s Board, who are …
There has been some misinformation on social media recently regarding the tagging of hedgehogs to enable identification of individuals. This blog post from Natural England aims to set the record straight and provide clarity on this important issue. Background Marking …
Professor Sallie Bailey, Chief Scientist at Natural England, tells us about the publication of Natural England’s sixth Chief Scientist Report This Report, the sixth in the series, focusses on the impact our work has and – crucially - how …
By James Marshall, Deputy Director for Norfolk and Suffolk As the government’s advisers on the natural environment, Natural England’s role is to ensure our environment is conserved, enhanced and managed for the benefit of people and wildlife. Recent media reports …
Since publication of the Independent Review, Natural England has been working hard to rebuild trust and understanding with Dartmoor farmers. We have actively listened to commoners, land managers and partners, and we are seeing signs of improved relations and a …
By Isabel Sloman, Manager, and Elizabeth Mitchell, Senior Advisor for Engagement and Impact, Natural Capital and Ecosystem Assessment programme The England Ecosystem Survey (EES), the largest field survey ever undertaken in the UK, is now well underway. Working at thousands …
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