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Science and evidence

Children & Nature Programme: the importance of integrating time spent in nature at school

Fathe with two children looking at nature

Across government, we share an aspiration to create healthy, happy societies. One mechanism for achieving this is by improving the connection people have with nature, which provides better mental and physical health. For children, the effects are more profound, with …

Nature Recovery: led by evidence. Chief Scientist Report 2022

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Dr Tim Hill, Chief Scientist at Natural England, tells us about the publication of Natural England’s fifth Chief Scientist Report. Never before has good quality science, evidence and analysis on environmental change been so important for nature, society and the …

Update on the Hen Harrier Brood Management Trial

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Biodiversity, Hen Harriers, Licensing, Protected sites and species, Science and evidence
Brood managed hen harrier.

By John Holmes, Strategy Director, Natural England Natural England is involved in several initiatives under the Hen Harrier Action Plan, one of which is the brood management trial. Brood management involves taking the eggs or chicks of some Hen Harriers …

Establishing a conservation breeding programme for hen harriers in southern England

Male hen harrier, part of the Southern Reintroduction project

By: John Holmes, NE Strategy Director Natural England, in partnership with the International Centre for Birds of Prey (ICBP), is establishing a conservation breeding programme for hen harriers as part of a pioneering project to reintroduce this iconic species to …

Hot off the press: Natural England’s research to support offshore wind

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Offshore wind turbine

By Mike Burke, Head of Programme – Sustainable Development Natural England has just published several research reports to inform and support the sustainable development of offshore windfarms, contributing to economic growth and energy security. This package of research will provide …

Bees’ Needs: Why Air Pollution matters to Pollinators

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Bumble bee collects pollen from purple flowers

Bees are undeniably beautiful and fascinating insects, but what many people do not always realise is how vital they are for a healthy environment and healthy economy. The vast majority of our food and wildflowers rely on pollination, which bees …

New Grant Scheme Opens: Nature-based Solutions for Climate Change at the Landscape Scale

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In 2021, we launched a new £12.5m pilot programme funded by Treasury’s Shared Outcomes Fund to research and tackle biodiversity loss and climate change. The pilot programme aims to test approaches for creating and restoring species rich habitats, such as …

People and Nature Survey: How has COVID-19 changed the way we engage with nature?

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Mental health and wellbeing, Natural England, Science and evidence
Many people sat within an urban park

 Dr Tom Marshall, Senior Responsible Officer for the People and Nature Survey shares what new data can tell us about how our relationship with nature has changed since coronavirus.  It has been over two years since coronavirus restrictions were first …

Living England: From Satellite Imagery to a National Scale Habitat Map

By Alexandra Kilcoyne, Amy Woodget, Anne Stefaniak, Miles Clement, Chris Moore, Sophie Potter and Becky Trippier A new map that shows the extent and distribution of habitats in England has been launched on 5 April 2022. This probability map, which …