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Time to press the accelerator on the road to Nature recovery

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Biodiversity, Climate change, Landscapes, Natural England, Nature Recovery Network, Wildlife
A brown pony stands on a grassy plain at the Hepple Estate in Northumberland

Tony Juniper CBE As we take stock of the year just passed and look ahead to the challenges facing us in 2024, we can pause briefly to celebrate gains recently made toward securing Nature’s recovery. From a Natural England perspective, …

Guiding principles for designing for Biodiversity Net Gain - experts share their insights

Welcome to our first Natural England instructional Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) guest blog. Three distinguished experts share their top tips and impart their insights on designing for BNG. They are Julia Baker, Technical Director at Mott MacDonald, David Mooney, CEO …

King’s Lincolnshire coast visit to feature in Boxing Day documentary

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Landscapes, National Nature Reserve, Natural England
King Charles and Tony Juniper, Lincolnshire Coronation Coast National Nature Reserve

In summer 2023, King Charles III visited a new Natural England National Nature Reserve (NNR) on the Greater Lincolnshire Coast to film for a BBC documentary to be broadcast on Boxing Day. The Lincolnshire Coronation Coast NNR was officially declared …

Natural England welcomes Government's commitment to Nutrient Mitigation

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Development, Environment Act, Nature-based solutions, Nutrient Neutrality
A river flowing through the countryside

The Government has reaffirmed its commitment to enabling sustainable development by investing in schemes to reduce nutrient pollution in England’s rivers and estuaries. Read more on GOV.UK. Natural England welcomes the announcement which provides the certainty needed for all providers …

Reflections from COP 28 – Nature recovery for a secure future

Tony Juniper, Chair of Natural England, with Angélica Mendes, of WWF Brazil

The COP28 climate summit has concluded in Dubai with an agreement headlining on the need for a global journey away from fossil fuels. Behind the high drama of the oil, coal and gas economy were discussions about other subjects, including …

Charting a BNG course: Navigating challenges and embracing opportunities in Biodiversity Net Gain implementation

A pond in a field, part of a wetlands creation project in Buckinghamshire

As we set foot on the path to implement one of the important nature recovery policies outlined in the Environment Act, a spectrum of emotions washes over us – from excitement to the daunting task of navigating this new terrain. …

Allonby Bay Coastal Connections Project: exploring and celebrating our coastal heritage

Image shows houses behind a grassy bank of the sea.

Our vision at Natural England, is of thriving nature for people and planet. Our aim is for everyone is able to enjoy nature’s benefits and act for the environment, wherever they live. We want to support people in recognising the …

Dartmoor – next steps from the Independent Review

A view from Bench Tor to Sharp Tor, Dartmoor National Park

By Dave Slater, Natural England Regional Director for the South West The Independent Review of Protected Site Management on Dartmoor has been published today and makes a number of recommendations on the future of Dartmoor. We welcome this review and …

New area added to licensing scheme to protect great crested newts and promote sustainable development

One of the restored ponds in Hertfordshire

Natural England has launched a new licensing scheme in Hertfordshire to help conserve local populations of great crested newts, while promoting sustainable development. Since Natural England launched District Level Licensing (DLL) in 2019, the scheme has expanded to cover 21 …