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Helping nature to recover and thrive in the Wye Valley in Derbyshire

Ruth Keeley, Wye Valley Nature Recovery Project Senior Officer Back in 2022, Natural England and Defra announced five unique Nature Recovery Projects (NRP) across the Peak District, West Midlands, Cambridgeshire, Norfolk and Somerset. Since then, a further seven projects have …

Magic Maps: change to service platform  

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Evidence, Mapping, Monitoring, Natural England, Science and evidence

What is MAGIC?  The ‘Multi-Agency Geographic Information for the Countryside’ (MAGIC) service has been around since 2002. The MAGIC website provides geographic information about the natural environment from across government. The information covers rural, urban, coastal and marine environments across …

Small but mighty! Nature recovery seed corn projects 2024 

The government is committed to nature recovery and Natural England (NE) is working with partners to grow a national Nature Recovery Network (NRN). This growing network of enhanced, better-connected wildlife-rich places supports biodiversity and species recovery. It will also enhance climate …

Mapping our green and blue spaces: the green infrastructure mapping project

Martin Moss, senior officer for green infrastructure mapping, and Sarah Parrott, higher officer for engagement and impact If you looked at a map of your local area, could you identify the accessible green spaces? What about the blue ones? If …

How Natural England is working with partners to improve rural flood resilience

By Brad Tooze, Director for Greener Farming and Fisheries People might be less familiar with how our projects and partnerships help improve flood resilience. In this National Flood Action Week (14-20 October), we wanted to outline some of our partnership …

Environmental Improvement Plan one year on: Driving Nature recovery on land and sea

Puffin, atlantic puffin, Scientific name: Fratercula arctica with a beak full of sand eels. Perched on a lichen covered rock. Blue sky background. Facing left. Horizontal

By Alan Law, Deputy Chief Executive, Natural England This time last year, Defra’s Secretary of State launched the Environmental Improvement Plan to an audience of nature conservation bodies and the media in the nature rich setting of Camley Street Natural …

Natural England to publish updated nutrient budget calculators, and Tees Round 4 rescheduled

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Biodiversity, Development, Natural England, Nature Recovery Network, Nutrient Neutrality
Image shows a view of the Tees, looking out across the water. There is a grassy bank in the foreground, and buildings and machinery in the distance.

Image: Natural England The government passed the Levelling-Up and Regeneration Bill into law on 26th October 2023, making it the Levelling-Up and Regeneration Act. This creates a legal requirement for certain wastewater treatment works designated by the Defra Secretary of …