In 2021, we launched a new £12.5m pilot programme funded by Treasury’s Shared Outcomes Fund to research and tackle biodiversity loss and climate change. The pilot programme aims to test approaches for creating and restoring species rich habitats, such as …
The Environment Act 2021 sets out the Government’s aim to put nature on the road to recovery for future generations. It has given us some of the tools needed to deliver for our environment, from cleaning up the country’s air, …
World Ocean Day is a global awareness event celebrated on the 8th June to highlight the vital role the Ocean has in our everyday life and to provide information about the different ways we can protect the Ocean. This year’s …
Poor mental health costs the UK an estimated £118 billion per year (around 5 per cent of UK GDP). On an individual level, one in four adults and one in 10 children experience mental illness. The government has recently published …
Dr Tom Marshall, Senior Responsible Officer for the People and Nature Survey shares what new data can tell us about how our relationship with nature has changed since coronavirus. It has been over two years since coronavirus restrictions were first …
During recent years there has been a very important shift in how we approach the task of looking after the natural world in England. Whereas once it was the idea of conservation that shaped ideas and actions, today the notion …
Wildfire. The term conjures up images of raging fires and smouldering forests, something we would usually expect to see on television from international news stations, caused by freak weather events. Unfortunately, so-called wildfires are all too common in England …
Taking place between 4-11 March, Social Prescribing Week saw a national celebration for social prescribing. Across the country, organisations shared their stories on social media and at national and international conferences about the activities they were undertaking to make a …
Dr Tim Hill, Chief Scientist at Natural England, tells us about the publication of Natural England’s fourth Chief Scientist Report. Our mission within the Chief Scientist Directorate at Natural England, is to ‘…develop evidence and provide scientific advice to drive …
Local Nature Recovery Strategy Pilots Local Nature Recovery Strategies (LNRS) are a flagship measure in the Environment Bill. They are a new system of spatial strategies for nature which will plan, map, and help drive more coordinated, practical, focussed action …
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We’re the government’s adviser for the natural environment, helping to protect England’s nature and landscapes for people to enjoy.