"Nature is vital to our economy our health and our security. The North has the natural assets that can help create the places people want to live, work and invest in and that will keep them happy and healthy, as …
Contributors: Andrew Webb, Principal advisor, England Peat Map. Tom Hunt, Data engagement lead, England Peat Map. Sarah Parrott, Engagement and impact lead advisor, NCEA. Elizabeth Mitchell, Engagement and impact senior advisor, NCEA How do you make a map of something that’s largely underground, …
Defra has just opened a 12-week consultation, seeking views on the proposed aims and principles of marine net gain and how to best introduce a net gain approach to infrastructure and development in the marine environment. Natural England welcomes this …
The Government has set ambitious targets for offshore wind and the recent British Energy Security Strategy is clear that offshore wind has a key role to play in tackling climate change and the UK’s move towards Net Zero, setting a …
Dr Mike Morecroft, Natural England's Principal Specialist on climate change, reflects on the new target for net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, and the role Natural England has to play in meeting this.