By Dr Carlos Bedson The Peak District is home to England's only population of mountain hares, a remarkable Arctic species introduced here in the 1870s by sporting landowners. These cold-adapted mammals, with their distinctive seasonal white winter coats, have become …
By Gabriella Fasoli and Nick Tomline (AI specialists), Emma Milner (marine mammal specialist) and Elizabeth Mitchell (engagement), all on the marine Natural Capital and Ecosystem Assessment (mNCEA) programme Documenting Norfolk's biggest beach party On a windy day in December, something …
What is MAGIC? The ‘Multi-Agency Geographic Information for the Countryside’ (MAGIC) service has been around since 2002. The MAGIC website provides geographic information about the natural environment from across government. The information covers rural, urban, coastal and marine environments across …
By Samantha Parker and Emma Milner, Natural England marine mammal senior specialists Why are seal population numbers changing so fast along our coasts? How are porpoise feeding patterns changing as our seas become increasingly crowded? And how does the health …
Prof Sallie Bailey, Chief Scientist I am excited to have started my role as Chief Scientist and recently attended my first meeting of Natural England’s Science Advisory Committee (NESAC). NESAC is a formal committee of Natural England’s Board, who are …
Professor Sallie Bailey, Chief Scientist at Natural England, tells us about the publication of Natural England’s sixth Chief Scientist Report This Report, the sixth in the series, focusses on the impact our work has and – crucially - how …
By Dr Tim Hill, Chief Scientist at Natural England Science, evidence and evaluation sit at the heart of Natural England. Our teams work across a range of ecological, earth, economic and social sciences. With a strong focus on collaboration with …
By Ruth Lamont, Principal Adviser in Research Ethics & Dave Bell, Principal Adviser in Health, Wellbeing and the Environment, at Natural England We know that nature, human health and well-being are intrinsically linked, and this week, Natural England has released …
Natural England's mission is 'Building partnerships for Nature recovery,' and we are passionate about building partnerships that make outdoor recreation activities available to everyone. Our commitment to the Equality Act 2010 underscores our dedication to inclusivity in all our endeavours. …
Dr Tim Hill, Chief Scientist at Natural England, tells us about the launch of Nature Returns. Today, 25 September 2023, Natural England is launching Nature Returns. Nature Returns is about collaboration across government and the private sector to explore head-on …
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