Protecting great crested newts

New licensing creates a bigger, better and more joined approach to mitigation and conservation for great crested newts
New licensing creates a bigger, better and more joined approach to mitigation and conservation for great crested newts
David Lowe,Team Leader, Ecology, Historic Environment & Landscape at Warwickshire County Council, writes a guest blog about how the council is improving biodiversity.
For World Wetlands Day, we look at the work of Natural England on restoring peatlands and blanket bogs in the UK and how the work could be making a contribution to tackling climate change.
Helen Nyul, Group Biodiversity Manager, explains how Barratt is aiming to achieve net gain in its developments
Natural England interim chief executive Marian Spain explains how the organisation will support the government’s ambitious new Clean Air Strategy. I am delighted that Natural England will play a key role in supporting the government’s ambitious new Clean Air Strategy …
Guest blog from Louise Clarke, Head of Sustainable Places at Berkeley Group, outlining the organisation’s approach to biodiversity net gain.
Guest blog from Nicola Thomas, Partnership Manager at Buckinghamshire & Milton Keynes Natural Environment Partnership writes a guest blog on net biodiversity gain.
We look at Natural England work with the RSPB, Butterfly Conservation and landowners to return the marsh fritillary butterfly to Oxfordshire.
Nicola Johansen, Group Sustainability Manager at Redrow Homes, writes a guest blog on how the house builder is looking at how to achieve biodiversity net gains on their developments.
Post on net gain from Melanie Hughes – Natural England Director of Change and Reform.
We’re the government’s adviser for the natural environment, helping to protect England’s nature and landscapes for people to enjoy.
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