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Natural England

National conversation needed on how to turbo-charge Nature recovery while building the homes the country needs

Birds flying over a wetland

England doesn’t have enough houses, and also doesn’t have enough Nature. If we are to succeed in meeting our national needs, we require more of both. For too long we’ve been told that the only way to build more homes …

BNG lessons learned with Local Planning Authorities

Image shows a few newly built houses at a development site in Thakeham. A pond is at the forefront of the image with green grassy land around it and lots of vegetation, allowing for nature to thrive. A beautiful clear blue sky hangs overhead.

By Ruth Andreyeva, Director of Land, Water and Seas strategy Biodiversity net gain (BNG) became mandatory in England earlier in 2024, after many years of collaboration across industry and the public sector. We celebrate this milestone wholeheartedly, but we’re not …

Our Natural Health Service

Image shows Natural England’s Chief Operating Officer, Oliver Harmar, Senior Occupational Health Therapist, Tracy Metcalf and the Care Trust’s Chief Executive, Therese Patten. They stand together on a NHS site, all hold gardening tools, ready to get to work.

By Esther Smith, Senior Adviser, Health and Environment, Yorkshire and North Lincolnshire Area Team The links between health and nature have arguably never been clearer. The healing power of nature is taking centre stage for people’s health and nature’s recovery …

National Nature Reserves – for inspiration and celebration!

Golitha Falls National Nature Reserve

By Mike Downey, Principal Officer for National Nature Reserves This week is a really exciting week in the calendar for England’s National Nature Reserves (NNRs). Monday 20th May marked the start of National Nature Reserves Week 2024, an annual celebration …

A new interactive website for our National Character Area profiles

NCA 36: Southern Pennines – Stoodley Pike

By Sally Marshall, Principal Landscape Adviser, Natural England Today (14 May 2024) we are excited to be launching a new interactive website for England’s National Character Areas (NCAs). This latest chapter in the long history of NCAs makes the valued …

A high five for everyone driving Nature recovery – but we must not rest on our laurels

Tony Juniper stands in a grassy field with lots of colourful wildflowers growing. A blue sky with white fluffy clouds hangs overhead.

Tony Juniper CBE, Chair of Natural England Today marks five years since I became Chair of Natural England, which seems to me an appropriate point at which to take stock of the important progress made towards recovering Nature in that …

Working together to meet government targets for tree planting in England

Posted by: and , Posted on: - Categories: Forestry Commission, Natural England, Tree Planting
Site visit by Forestry Commission and Natural England, Cranborne Estate

Ian Tubby, Head of Policy and Advice at the Forestry Commission, and Adrian Jowitt, Principal Adviser Woodland Policy at Natural England reflect on the recent CEO visit at Cranborne Estate, where Marian Spain and Richard Stanford discussed our shared vision …

England Ecosystem Survey: introducing England’s largest ever field survey

Sometimes the sun even shines while we’re out surveying! Surveyors out in the Lake District

By Isabel Sloman, Manager, and Elizabeth Mitchell, Senior Advisor for Engagement and Impact, Natural Capital and Ecosystem Assessment programme The England Ecosystem Survey (EES), the largest field survey ever undertaken in the UK, is now well underway. Working at thousands …

The science of Natural England: now and then

Image shows two geological mounds of tall craggy rocks standing on the edge of a grassy cliff. The sea can be seen in the distance. The area is Axmouth To Lyme Regis Under Cliffs Site of Special Scientific Interest

By Dr Tim Hill, Chief Scientist at Natural England Science, evidence and evaluation sit at the heart of Natural England. Our teams work across a range of ecological, earth, economic and social sciences. With a strong focus on collaboration with …

Building Partnerships for Nature’s Recovery in the North

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Biodiversity, Climate change, Natural England, Nature Recovery Network
Image shows David Renwick – Regional Director, North for Natural England stood at the front of a conference hall, speaking at a podium. There are empty yellow chairs to his left and a large projector screen displaying a presentation above him.

By David Renwick, Regional Director for the North at Natural England Last week saw a momentous week for nature across the north with the second annual Nature North conference in Newcastle and the Convention of the North in Leeds. As …