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Offshore wind farms — our role in advising on the right place for low impact on marine and coastal nature

By Tamara Rowson, Natural England Offshore Renewables Industry Specialist Since 11 November delegates from across the world have been in attendance at COP29 in Baku, Azerbaijan, focusing on “delivering deep, rapid, and sustained emission reductions now to keep temperatures under …

Harnessing Innovative Technology for Nature-Based Solutions in Norfolk & Suffolk

In celebration of World Science Day (10th November), we’re taking a look at the surprising ways Natural England uses technology in its day-to-day operations. In Norfolk & Suffolk, a number of projects are using innovative technology to improve efficiency and …

COP 16 reflections: Making the connection between global and local

Tony Juniper looks out over a balcony at the green tree canopy and wildlife beyond through his binoculars

Blog by Tony Juniper CBE, Chair of Natural England The extreme urgency of the climate and Nature emergency was brought home to us last week by the devastating flooding that struck Valencia, which provided a stark backdrop to the discussions …

How Natural England is working with partners to improve rural flood resilience

By Brad Tooze, Director for Greener Farming and Fisheries People might be less familiar with how our projects and partnerships help improve flood resilience. In this National Flood Action Week (14-20 October), we wanted to outline some of our partnership …

State of Natural Capital Report for England is now published

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saltmarsh, intertidal mud

The State of Natural Capital Report for England 2024 : Risks to nature and why it matters, a new report from Natural England, was published on 9 October 2024.  The economy and society are intimately dependent on the health of the …

Green Infrastructure: delivering quality of life and environmental benefits for communities

Image shows a lush green canal/waterway running through the centre of a neighbourhood. Red bricked houses stand either side of the new development estate. Lots of trees and bushes grow beside it.

David Drake, Director, People & Nature at Natural England In January 2023, Natural England launched the Green Infrastructure (GI) Framework to support the creation of good quality Green Infrastructure which maximises benefits for people and nature. GI helps local authorities, …

With a lot of help from our friends: assembling an England Peat Map

Posted by: and , Posted on: - Categories: Biodiversity, Mapping, Natural England, Nature Recovery, Peat, Species recovery

Contributors: Andrew Webb, Principal advisor, England Peat Map. Tom Hunt, Data engagement lead, England Peat Map. Sarah Parrott, Engagement and impact lead advisor, NCEA. Elizabeth Mitchell, Engagement and impact senior advisor, NCEA   How do you make a map of something that’s largely underground, …

Holme Fen National Nature Reserve peatland restoration project

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Biodiversity, Climate change, National Nature Reserve, Nature Recovery, Peat

By Catherine Weightman, Natural England’s Senior Project Manager for Peatland Restoration in the Fens - West Anglia Team   I’ve been working for Natural England and its predecessors for more than twenty years. I’m currently working on peatland restoration in the …

A high five for everyone driving Nature recovery – but we must not rest on our laurels

Tony Juniper stands in a grassy field with lots of colourful wildflowers growing. A blue sky with white fluffy clouds hangs overhead.

Tony Juniper CBE, Chair of Natural England Today marks five years since I became Chair of Natural England, which seems to me an appropriate point at which to take stock of the important progress made towards recovering Nature in that …

The science of Natural England: now and then

Image shows two geological mounds of tall craggy rocks standing on the edge of a grassy cliff. The sea can be seen in the distance. The area is Axmouth To Lyme Regis Under Cliffs Site of Special Scientific Interest

By Dr Tim Hill, Chief Scientist at Natural England Science, evidence and evaluation sit at the heart of Natural England. Our teams work across a range of ecological, earth, economic and social sciences. With a strong focus on collaboration with …