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The North can be a powerhouse for Nature and growth

Marian Spain speaking at Convention of the North, with host Anita Rani

"Nature is vital to our economy our health and our security. The North has the natural assets that can help create the places people want to live, work and invest in and that will keep them happy and healthy, as …

Guest blog: Showcasing successful onsite Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) project management

A large pond seen through trees and wildflowers with new homes in the background: Ponds can play a key role in biodiversity net gain

In the run up to the first anniversary (12 February) of the introduction of BNG as a mandatory approach to development, making BNG a statutory requirement in all (non-exempt) Town and Country Planning Act applications we invited two open space …

Green Infrastructure: the catalyst for Urban Greening 

It’s two years since Natural England launched the Green Infrastructure (GI) Framework to support the creation of good quality Green Infrastructure. It’s well documented that we need to build a more sustainable future, and at the forefront of this movement …

COP 16 reflections: Making the connection between global and local

Tony Juniper looks out over a balcony at the green tree canopy and wildlife beyond through his binoculars

Blog by Tony Juniper CBE, Chair of Natural England The extreme urgency of the climate and Nature emergency was brought home to us last week by the devastating flooding that struck Valencia, which provided a stark backdrop to the discussions …

Mapping our green and blue spaces: the green infrastructure mapping project

Martin Moss, senior officer for green infrastructure mapping, and Sarah Parrott, higher officer for engagement and impact If you looked at a map of your local area, could you identify the accessible green spaces? What about the blue ones? If …

Industry experts share experiences of Biodiversity Net Gain on small sites

A scrubland site where the new garages will be built, which will also provide the necessary on-site BNG. (Credit: KADS Design Services Ltd) 

In this Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) guest blog industry experts sharing examples of BNG on small sites. They are:  Our guests discuss how they use the Small Sites Metric (SSM) calculation tool. It applies only to ‘small sites’ as defined …

Green Infrastructure: delivering quality of life and environmental benefits for communities

Image shows a lush green canal/waterway running through the centre of a neighbourhood. Red bricked houses stand either side of the new development estate. Lots of trees and bushes grow beside it.

David Drake, Director, People & Nature at Natural England In January 2023, Natural England launched the Green Infrastructure (GI) Framework to support the creation of good quality Green Infrastructure which maximises benefits for people and nature. GI helps local authorities, …

We've enabled thousands of homes in the Tees area - and much more!

A view of some of the saltmarsh wetlands that are part of the Teesmouth and Cleveland Coast Special Protection Area (SPA)

The Nutrient Mitigation Scheme (NMS) continues with our sixth nutrient credit round now open in the Tees. To date we have offered credits for over 6,000 new homes in the Tees catchment area and have mitigation ready to meet thousands …

National conversation needed on how to turbo-charge Nature recovery while building the homes the country needs

Birds flying over a wetland

England doesn’t have enough houses, and also doesn’t have enough Nature. If we are to succeed in meeting our national needs, we require more of both. For too long we’ve been told that the only way to build more homes …

BNG lessons learned with Local Planning Authorities

Image shows a few newly built houses at a development site in Thakeham. A pond is at the forefront of the image with green grassy land around it and lots of vegetation, allowing for nature to thrive. A beautiful clear blue sky hangs overhead.

By Ruth Andreyeva, Director of Land, Water and Seas strategy Biodiversity net gain (BNG) became mandatory in England earlier in 2024, after many years of collaboration across industry and the public sector. We celebrate this milestone wholeheartedly, but we’re not …