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Helping nature to recover and thrive in the Wye Valley in Derbyshire

Ruth Keeley, Wye Valley Nature Recovery Project Senior Officer Back in 2022, Natural England and Defra announced five unique Nature Recovery Projects (NRP) across the Peak District, West Midlands, Cambridgeshire, Norfolk and Somerset. Since then, a further seven projects have …

Celebrating 75 years of the 1949 National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act 

Lake District. Ashness Bridge with Skiddaw behind. Photograph: Paul Glendell

By Marian Spain, Chief Executive, Natural England We know now that access to nature is vital for our health and wellbeing, and when we feel a connection with nature, we’re more likely to care for it and help its recovery. …

1949 National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act - a reflection from Navroza Ladha

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By Navroza Ladha, Chief Officer for Legal, Governance and External Affairs at Natural England On the 16 December this year (2024) we will be celebrating the 75th anniversary of the groundbreaking “1949 National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act”, …

Mapping our green and blue spaces: the green infrastructure mapping project

Martin Moss, senior officer for green infrastructure mapping, and Sarah Parrott, higher officer for engagement and impact If you looked at a map of your local area, could you identify the accessible green spaces? What about the blue ones? If …

Geology – Nature that is at its best in Winter

Dr. Benjamin Tindal, Senior Specialist – Quaternary Geology & Stratigraphy October brings with it darker evenings, crisp mornings, and time for reflecting on the summer. With the changing of the season, it is easy to forget that there is plenty …

England Ecosystem Survey: introducing England’s largest ever field survey

Sometimes the sun even shines while we’re out surveying! Surveyors out in the Lake District

By Isabel Sloman, Manager, and Elizabeth Mitchell, Senior Advisor for Engagement and Impact, Natural Capital and Ecosystem Assessment programme The England Ecosystem Survey (EES), the largest field survey ever undertaken in the UK, is now well underway. Working at thousands …

Time to press the accelerator on the road to Nature recovery

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A brown pony stands on a grassy plain at the Hepple Estate in Northumberland

Tony Juniper CBE As we take stock of the year just passed and look ahead to the challenges facing us in 2024, we can pause briefly to celebrate gains recently made toward securing Nature’s recovery. From a Natural England perspective, …

Geodiversity is for everyone – International Geodiversity Day 2023

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Jonathan Larwood, Natural England Principal Geodiversity Adviser, celebrates the second ever International Geodiversity Day and its theme of ‘Geodiversity is for everyone’. International Geodiversity Day is an annual global celebration, supported by UNESCO, of all aspects of geodiversity.  This year’s …

Wendling Beck: Nature Recovery on a Landscape Scale

In the heart of Norfolk farming country, Natural England has been partnering with an ambitious project to transform a large area of agricultural land into a haven for wildlife. The scheme aims to demonstrate that growing food is fully compatible …

Penwith Moors Site of Special Scientific Interest; Cornwall’s western-most landscape receives further accolade of SSSI designation

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By Mark Beard - Penwith Moors SSSI designation project manager The designation of a new Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) is a reminder that, as a society, we value the special place nature plays in enriching our lives, protecting …