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Helping nature to recover and thrive in the Wye Valley in Derbyshire

Ruth Keeley, Wye Valley Nature Recovery Project Senior Officer Back in 2022, Natural England and Defra announced five unique Nature Recovery Projects (NRP) across the Peak District, West Midlands, Cambridgeshire, Norfolk and Somerset. Since then, a further seven projects have …

Three churrs for the heathland bird survey

Dartford warbler. Credit: Philip Ray

By Alison Giacomelli, Senior Specialist – Ornithology, Natural England Heathlands are home to the eerie sound of churring Nightjars, sweet melody of singing Woodlarks and the rattling song of Dartford Warblers. This year teams of volunteers and fieldworkers will be …

Green Infrastructure: the catalyst for Urban Greening 

It’s two years since Natural England launched the Green Infrastructure (GI) Framework to support the creation of good quality Green Infrastructure. It’s well documented that we need to build a more sustainable future, and at the forefront of this movement …

Saving species in Somerset; the work of the Somerset, Coast Levels and Moors Nature Recovery Project

By Simon Phelps – Natural England Over the past three years, the Somerset Coast, Levels and Moors Nature Recovery Project has been working hard to save some of our most threatened wetland species. I’m fortunate to not only be leading …

Forests beneath the waves: celebrating our magnificent kelp 

Marina Rees, Marine Higher Officer at Natural England When I joined the Thames Solent team as a marine lead adviser, I jumped at the opportunity to work on a project which delved into the world of kelp. I have long …

Celebrating 75 years of the 1949 National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act 

Lake District. Ashness Bridge with Skiddaw behind. Photograph: Paul Glendell

By Marian Spain, Chief Executive, Natural England We know now that access to nature is vital for our health and wellbeing, and when we feel a connection with nature, we’re more likely to care for it and help its recovery. …

Magic Maps: change to service platform  

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What is MAGIC?  The ‘Multi-Agency Geographic Information for the Countryside’ (MAGIC) service has been around since 2002. The MAGIC website provides geographic information about the natural environment from across government. The information covers rural, urban, coastal and marine environments across …

New Nature Connection website brings together   policy, practice and research

The University of Derby and Natural England have been developing a Nature Connectedness Network and it has now gone public with the launch of its website! CLICK HERE As society becomes more aware of the mutual dependency between people …

1949 National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act - a reflection from Navroza Ladha

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Landscape, Nature, Parks, trails and nature reserves, Wildlife

By Navroza Ladha, Chief Officer for Legal, Governance and External Affairs at Natural England On the 16 December this year (2024) we will be celebrating the 75th anniversary of the groundbreaking “1949 National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act”, …

Purple Horizons Nature Recovery Project: Helping a post-industrial landscape bloom and buzz

By Dr Chloe Hardman, Senior Project Manager, West Midlands Team Bustling towns and cities, major transport routes, the birthplace of the industrial revolution. Where are we?  The northern edge of the West Midlands Conurbation, home to 2.9 million people.  Step …