Natural England’s licensing statistics for 2018 and 2019

Dave Slater, Natural England’s Acting Director for species licensing work, takes a look at Natural England’s licensing statistics for 2018 and 2019.
Dave Slater, Natural England’s Acting Director for species licensing work, takes a look at Natural England’s licensing statistics for 2018 and 2019.
Jen Almond, Natural England’s District Level Licensing Programme Manager, tells us about the latest development in the innovative project to better support great crested newt populations as well as reducing delays for developers.
Peat pilots will help revive and restore some of England's historic and iconic peatlands.
Today, there has been claims that Natural England is “crowdfunding” to deliver its statutory functions. These claims are simply untrue.
A blog from Dr. Jen Almond, District Level Licensing Project Manager at Natural England on District Level Licensing.
We look at the work of Dr Alice Noble, who recently completed her iCASE PhD at the University of Leeds.
A quick look at the Catchment Sensitive Farming partnership.
In celebration of the United Nations (UN) International Day for Biological Diversity we are looking at Natural England’s ongoing work to conserve and protect England’s natural environment, biodiversity and landscapes, and how these contribute to social health and economic well-being. …
We congratulate the District Level Licensing team on winning the Operational Delivery GSE Geography in Government Award.
Recent use of netting by developers and local authorities has received media coverage and today Natural England welcomes the government's statement on the use of nets.
We’re the government’s adviser for the natural environment, helping to protect England’s nature and landscapes for people to enjoy.
This blog gives an insight into our work.