Opening Access to the Countryside
...Open access has got the ability to transform lives. We look forward to using the centre to test the new structures, helping to shape the future of access to the...
...Open access has got the ability to transform lives. We look forward to using the centre to test the new structures, helping to shape the future of access to the...
A new partnership project involving Natural England has been awarded a prestigious environmental prize for its work to reduce long-term flood risk.
Natural England uplands staff recently took part in an industry-led free grouse moor training day at Snilesworth Estate on the North York Moors (02 August). The event hosted by...
An aerial picture of the Saddleworth Moor fire. Picture By NASA [Public domain], via Wikimedia CommonsNatural England is today reminding moor-goers to take extra care as the UK heatwave continues...
Lynne Farquhar, a Conservation Advisor at Natural England, tells us about a major new project that will help secure the long-term future of many of the UK’s declining protected fish - including the rare shad - whilst re-connecting millions of …
I feel very proud to write this as the Chairman of Natural England as it celebrates its 10th anniversary this month. In marking the occasion we will quite rightly reflect on many important achievements during that time, but do so …
There’s a real buzz around getting kids into the outdoors at the moment – outdoor learning, outdoor play, outdoor education, wild time, whatever you want to call it, everyone’s talking about how important it is to get our children outdoors. …
Jim Burt is Natural England’s Principal Adviser for Outdoor Learning and has recently completed a project to help school children – particularly those from disadvantaged areas – experience the benefits of the natural environment by empowering teachers to bring the outdoors into everyday learning.
Perception is a powerful thing. At Natural England, we have a responsibility to make sure that our most special wildlife and geological areas – known as Sites of Special Scientific...
Welcome to Natural England’s new blog. This is a place where we’ll share updates on our work and stories from our staff - whether that's work on creating a continuous path around our coast and managing 140 National Nature Reserves, or conducting research on the recovery of the dormouse and monitoring populations of hen harriers.