New arrivals and fond farewells

Chair Tony Juniper gives an update on appointees to Natural England's Board.
Chair Tony Juniper gives an update on appointees to Natural England's Board.
Dave Slater, Natural England's Director for Wildlife Licensing & Enforcement Cases provides more detail on licensing for the control of birds in our countryside.
Natural England's Alice Lord explains how you can find out what natural capital you’ve got in your place and what it is doing for people.
Mel Hughes, Natural England's Sustainable Development Programme Director welcomes government's ambitions for greener building under #ProjectSpeed.
Climate change is a threat to the species and wild places we love, but if we look after nature better, we can also reduce the emissions of greenhouse gases and build the resilience of people and nature. Climate change is …
Natural England’s CEO Marian Spain tells us about Natural England’s brand new set of statistics which seeks to understand the role of nature in the nation’s health and wellbeing.
Mike Burke, Head of Sustainable Development, Natural England, tells us about the lessons that can be learned about nature through the coronavirus outbreak.
Today we explored why the introduction of Highly Protected Marine Areas could be important for marine protection and recovery.
Dave Slater, Natural England’s Director for wildlife licensing provides an update on licences for control of lesser black-backed gulls and herring gulls and of birds on or close to protected sites.
Alice Lord, Natural England’s Natural Capital and Ecosystem Approach Specialist tells us about an innovative project in North Devon which explored how we can protect and improve nature across the country.