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How new technologies are helping us monitor one of England’s largest grey seal colonies 

A seal and its pup on Horsey Beach. Image: Natural England

By Gabriella Fasoli and Nick Tomline (AI specialists), Emma Milner (marine mammal specialist) and Elizabeth Mitchell (engagement), all on the marine Natural Capital and Ecosystem Assessment (mNCEA) programme Documenting Norfolk's biggest beach party On a windy day in December, something …

Green Infrastructure: the catalyst for Urban Greening 

It’s two years since Natural England launched the Green Infrastructure (GI) Framework to support the creation of good quality Green Infrastructure. It’s well documented that we need to build a more sustainable future, and at the forefront of this movement …

Magic Maps: change to service platform  

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Evidence, Mapping, Monitoring, Natural England, Science and evidence

What is MAGIC?  The ‘Multi-Agency Geographic Information for the Countryside’ (MAGIC) service has been around since 2002. The MAGIC website provides geographic information about the natural environment from across government. The information covers rural, urban, coastal and marine environments across …

Mapping our green and blue spaces: the green infrastructure mapping project

Martin Moss, senior officer for green infrastructure mapping, and Sarah Parrott, higher officer for engagement and impact If you looked at a map of your local area, could you identify the accessible green spaces? What about the blue ones? If …

With a lot of help from our friends: assembling an England Peat Map

Posted by: and , Posted on: - Categories: Biodiversity, Mapping, Natural England, Nature Recovery, Peat, Species recovery

Contributors: Andrew Webb, Principal advisor, England Peat Map. Tom Hunt, Data engagement lead, England Peat Map. Sarah Parrott, Engagement and impact lead advisor, NCEA. Elizabeth Mitchell, Engagement and impact senior advisor, NCEA   How do you make a map of something that’s largely underground, …

A simpler, clearer and faster way to decide when to consult Natural England on planning applications that might affect a SSSI

An aerial view of part of Chesil and the Fleet SSSI, which is designated for its coastal lagoon seagrass beds and vegetated shingle saltmarsh

By Sarah Middlehurst, Senior Officer, Natural England Today sees the launch of a new tool that will help local planning authorities (LPAs) decide when to consult Natural England on planning applications that might impact a SSSI. The new and improved …

Taking an evidence led approach to delivery of the Government’s tree target

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The UK Government’s ambition to increase tree and woodland cover in England from 14 to 17%, by more than trebling annual planting rates by 2050, represents a major shift in land use policy. As well as enhancing carbon sequestration, new …

Living England: From Satellite Imagery to a National Scale Habitat Map

By Alexandra Kilcoyne, Amy Woodget, Anne Stefaniak, Miles Clement, Chris Moore, Sophie Potter and Becky Trippier A new map that shows the extent and distribution of habitats in England has been launched on 5 April 2022. This probability map, which …