By Gabriella Fasoli and Nick Tomline (AI specialists), Emma Milner (marine mammal specialist) and Elizabeth Mitchell (engagement), all on the marine Natural Capital and Ecosystem Assessment (mNCEA) programme Documenting Norfolk's biggest beach party On a windy day in December, something …
By Samantha Parker and Emma Milner, Natural England marine mammal senior specialists Why are seal population numbers changing so fast along our coasts? How are porpoise feeding patterns changing as our seas become increasingly crowded? And how does the health …
David Drake, Director, People & Nature at Natural England In January 2023, Natural England launched the Green Infrastructure (GI) Framework to support the creation of good quality Green Infrastructure which maximises benefits for people and nature. GI helps local authorities, …
Contributors: Andrew Webb, Principal advisor, England Peat Map. Tom Hunt, Data engagement lead, England Peat Map. Sarah Parrott, Engagement and impact lead advisor, NCEA. Elizabeth Mitchell, Engagement and impact senior advisor, NCEA How do you make a map of something that’s largely underground, …
Professor Sallie Bailey, Chief Scientist at Natural England, tells us about the publication of Natural England’s sixth Chief Scientist Report This Report, the sixth in the series, focusses on the impact our work has and – crucially - how …
By Isabel Sloman, Manager, and Elizabeth Mitchell, Senior Advisor for Engagement and Impact, Natural Capital and Ecosystem Assessment programme The England Ecosystem Survey (EES), the largest field survey ever undertaken in the UK, is now well underway. Working at thousands …
This week is Green Infrastructure week, a celebration of green infrastructure design and best practices. Green infrastructure is a network of natural spaces designed to deliver benefits for people and the planet. The below video details green infrastructure in …
By Louise Whatley, Marine Ecology Specialist and Elizabeth Mitchell, Senior Advisor for Engagement and Impact As summer sets in in earnest, millions of us will head to the coast. In between dropping our ice-creams on our feet and taking a …
By Mike Prince, Natural England The England Peat Map project is mapping the extent, depth and condition of England’s peat, using new and existing field survey data, satellite Earth observation, and a variety of modelling methods. Mapping England’s peat can …
The UK Government’s ambition to increase tree and woodland cover in England from 14 to 17%, by more than trebling annual planting rates by 2050, represents a major shift in land use policy. As well as enhancing carbon sequestration, new …
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