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Our Natural Health Service

Image shows Natural England’s Chief Operating Officer, Oliver Harmar, Senior Occupational Health Therapist, Tracy Metcalf and the Care Trust’s Chief Executive, Therese Patten. They stand together on a NHS site, all hold gardening tools, ready to get to work.

By Esther Smith, Senior Adviser, Health and Environment, Yorkshire and North Lincolnshire Area Team The links between health and nature have arguably never been clearer. The healing power of nature is taking centre stage for people’s health and nature’s recovery …

A high five for everyone driving Nature recovery – but we must not rest on our laurels

Tony Juniper stands in a grassy field with lots of colourful wildflowers growing. A blue sky with white fluffy clouds hangs overhead.

Tony Juniper CBE, Chair of Natural England Today marks five years since I became Chair of Natural England, which seems to me an appropriate point at which to take stock of the important progress made towards recovering Nature in that …

Wetland restoration: for people and planet

Image shows a common redshank bird standing within a grassy patch with white native flowers growing around it.

By Craig Ralston, Reserve Manager, Natural England World Wetlands Day, an annual awareness day, marks the date of the adoption of the Convention on Wetlands on 2 February 1971. The adoption took place in the Iranian city of Ramsar, on …

Environmental Improvement Plan one year on: Driving Nature recovery on land and sea

Puffin, atlantic puffin, Scientific name: Fratercula arctica with a beak full of sand eels. Perched on a lichen covered rock. Blue sky background. Facing left. Horizontal

By Alan Law, Deputy Chief Executive, Natural England This time last year, Defra’s Secretary of State launched the Environmental Improvement Plan to an audience of nature conservation bodies and the media in the nature rich setting of Camley Street Natural …

The “battery-powered” partnerships of Nature recovery

Blog by Tony Juniper CBE, Chair of Natural England I’m writing this blog from COP 15 in Montreal where nations of the world have come together to discuss one of the most urgent issues of our age: how do we …

Paludiculture – the future of farming on peat soils?

Posted by: and , Posted on: - Categories: Biodiversity, Climate change, Landscapes and access, Natural England, Peat

On 27 August 2022, the Government announced a new £5m fund to promote the use of peatlands for sustainable farming [1] – the Paludiculture Exploration Fund (PEF), which seeks to unlock barriers to making commercial paludiculture a reality. In this …