This month there have been some significant changes to licensing for the control of wild birds with the publication of Defra’s review of general licensing and three new general licences which permit activity for the purposes of conservation, preserving public …
Imagine a world where there are nature rich spaces, open and accessible to everybody, within a mile from everybody’s homes. The things that give our landscapes character and sense of place, such as dry-stone walls of the Yorkshire Dales, the …
By Brad Tooze, Natural England Head of Uplands Peat and peatlands are among the most important habitat England has to offer, storing an estimated 580 million tonnes of carbon and providing a wild home for some of our most cherished …
By Mel Hughes, Natural England's Sustainable Development Programme Director It’s great news that the Government has tabled amendments to the Environment Bill to enable Species Conservation Strategies and Protected Site Strategies. We recognise that addressing impacts on our most precious …
Hatfield Moors, part of the Humberhead Peatlands National Nature Reserve (NNR) near Doncaster, continues to recover from the serious wildfire that affected a large part of the Moors in May and June. Areas that were burnt continue to green over …
On Friday last week Government announced five pilots to test Local Nature Recovery Strategies (LNRS) as a new, ground breaking mechanism to plan for Nature recovery at a local level. The five pilots led by local authorities in Buckinghamshire, Cornwall, …
David Askew, Director of Evidence, tells us about Natural England’s new Science, Evidence and Evaluation Strategy . At Natural England we provide trusted evidence and expertise on the natural environment, based on robust science. Today I am thrilled that we …
Mike Burke, Head of Sustainable Development, Natural England, tells us about the lessons that can be learned about nature through the coronavirus outbreak.
A look into why Natural England has been recognised for achievements in wellbeing and mental health.
Jen Almond, Natural England’s District Level Licensing Programme Manager, on the progress to date of Natural England’s newt (GCN) licensing.