General licences: Friday 17 May update

Natural England's operations director James Diamond provides a further update on general licences.
Natural England's operations director James Diamond provides a further update on general licences.
Natural England's interim chief executive Marian Spain provides a further update on general licences
We congratulate the District Level Licensing team on winning the Operational Delivery GSE Geography in Government Award.
Natural England's interim chief executive Marian Spain provides a further update on general licences
Natural England's interim chief executive Marian Spain provides a further update on general licences
Further update from Marian Spain on changes to the general licensing system.
There has been a large amount of media coverage and interest in the decision to revoke the three general licences (GL 04/05/06). These cover 16 species of birds, including several members of the crow family, Canada geese, some gulls, feral …
Recent use of netting by developers and local authorities has received media coverage and today Natural England welcomes the government's statement on the use of nets.
Natural England's Director of Operations James Diamond provides a further update on wild bird licensing, covering red kites, buzzards and cormorants.
Natural England Director of Operations James Diamond writes about the licence that has been issued to reintroduce white-tailed eagles to the Isle of Wight.