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How a smartphone app is helping save rare plants

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A selection of rare arable plants

Forget Pokémon Go – there’s a new app on the scene that’s helping people hunt for some of our rarest plants. Emily Swan, Natural England’s Arable Plant Lead Adviser, writes about the new smartphone app that’s just been released to help protect plants on the brink of extinction.

Busting the myths on outdoor learning in schools

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Pupils taking part in an outdoor learning session.

Jim Burt is Natural England’s Principal Adviser for Outdoor Learning and has recently completed a project to help school children – particularly those from disadvantaged areas – experience the benefits of the natural environment by empowering teachers to bring the outdoors into everyday learning.

How I changed my career thanks to a Natural England apprenticeship

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Steve Walker surveying for bees and butterflies on the Kingley Vale NNR

When you think of an apprentice you’ll probably think of someone in their late teens, so it may surprise you to know that I started my apprenticeship with Natural England in my mid-thirties. To say it has been life changing is no understatement and making the decision to change my career later in life was surprisingly easy.