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Science and evidence

Hen harrier monitoring, and the actions taken when a tagged bird is lost

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Licensing, Protected sites and species, Science and evidence, Wildlife
Juvenile male hen harrier

Alongside our partners, Natural England is involved in a number of initiatives to support the recovery of hen harriers in England, including satellite tracking birds to investigate patterns of dispersal and survival. In this blog, we will share the latest …

Nature-based Solutions for Climate Change at the Landscape Scale: a new £12.5m pilot programme

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Natural habitats, such as peatlands, forests, saltmarsh and grasslands contain large amounts of carbon and will play an important part in reaching net zero greenhouse gas emissions.  There are two aspects to this: stopping emissions from damaged habitats and starting …

Natural England publishes major new report on carbon storage and sequestration by habitat

Posted by: and , Posted on: - Categories: Biodiversity, Climate change, Science and evidence
lowland bog under blue sky

Natural England has released a new report on carbon storage and sequestration, the impact that different UK habitats can have in taking carbon out of the atmosphere and helping us hit net zero by 2050, whilst delivering for both biodiversity and conservation