Friends in high places: Ringing peregrine falcon chicks at York Minster
Natural England’s Lower Derwent Valley National Nature Reserves Team recently climbed York Minster to colour-ring this year’s brood of four healthy peregrine falcon chicks.
Natural England’s Lower Derwent Valley National Nature Reserves Team recently climbed York Minster to colour-ring this year’s brood of four healthy peregrine falcon chicks.
Lead Adviser Alison Muldal, and award winning farmer Lydia Otter, tell us about the benefits of opening up farms to children so they can learn about farming and the environment. Alison: Agri-environment schemes (such as Countryside Stewardship) have been a feature of …
As Countryside Stewardship embarks on its third year of applications, Dawn Metcalfe, Countryside Stewardship Senior Communications Adviser, offers some suggestions on how to pull together a successful Mid Tier application. When a Countryside Stewardship (CS) Mid Tier application pack lands …
Brian McDonald, project manager for Natural England’s Facilitation Fund, tells us about the £800K that has just been announced to help landowners in flood-stricken areas manage their land. 2017: The Facilitation Fund flood round Spring has sprung and green shoots …
Lynne Farquhar, a Conservation Advisor at Natural England, tells us about a major new project that will help secure the long-term future of many of the UK’s declining protected fish - including the rare shad - whilst re-connecting millions of …
Plop! If you’ve ever been lucky enough to hear that distinctive noise, you will probably share my enthusiasm for water voles. I've been thinking about water voles after the recent reintroduction of 100 voles at the National Trust's Malham Tarn …
In the wilderness of Surrey, I went on a tiger hunt. A hunt for tiger beetles, that is. I work for Natural England as a warden on the Thames Basin Heaths Special Protection Area. The heath tiger beetle should be widespread on my patch, but is sadly in massive decline.
Ian Carter, an ornithologist at Natural England, writes about some of the best bird books from 2015 and the highly contrasting fortunes of the birds they describe.
Alan Law is Natural England’s Chief Officer for Strategy and Reform. Here he writes about Natural England’s innovative new approach to protecting important wildlife – like the great crested newt – while reducing burdens on developers.