Hatfield Moors Fire

Paul Duncan, Area Manager, Natural England updates us on the next steps for Hatfield Moor in the aftermath of the wildfire.
Paul Duncan, Area Manager, Natural England updates us on the next steps for Hatfield Moor in the aftermath of the wildfire.
Dave Slater, Natural England’s Director for wildlife licensing cases, writes about the renewal licence for hen harrier brood management which has been issued.
Marian Spain, Natural England's chief executive, on the organisation's priorities for upcoming year.
A look into why Natural England has been recognised for achievements in wellbeing and mental health.
Jen Almond, Natural England’s District Level Licensing Programme Manager, on the progress to date of Natural England’s newt (GCN) licensing.
One year on from his appointment, Chair Tony Juniper looks at Natural England's role in issuing licences to permit different kinds of wildlife management.
Mel Hughes, Sustainable Development Programme Director, provides an update on Natural England’s development management and wildlife licensing services in light of the current COVID-19 restrictions.
Dave Slater, Natural England’s Director for wildlife licensing provides an update on licences for control of lesser black-backed gulls and herring gulls and of birds on or close to protected sites.
Dave Slater, Natural England's Director for wildlife licensing, tells us about the issuing of licences for three falconers to permit the taking of a small number of peregrine falcon chicks from the wild for use in falconry.
Chair Tony Juniper is rallying the nation to connect with nature this Easter weekend by tuning into one of nature’s most special phenomena: the dawn chorus.